CMB and cosmology
- The Interaction of Matter and Radiation in a Hot-Model Universe
Zeldovich, Ya. B.; Sunyaev, R. A., Astrophys. and Space Science, 4, 301-316, 1969;
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- Fluctuations in the Microwave Background Radiation
Longair, M. S.; Sunyaev, R. A.,
Nature, 223, 719-721, 1969
( it is shown that radiosources are an important source of CMB fluctuations on small angular scales)
- Small -Scale Fluctuations of Relic Radiation
Sunyaev, R. A.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.,
Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 7, p.3-19, (1970),
where the acoustic peaks in the angular distribution of CMB, recently observed in detail by WMAP spacecraft, were predicted;
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- The Interaction of Matter and Radiation in the Hot Model of the Universe II
Sunyaev, R. A.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.,
Astrophys. and Space Science, 7, 20-20, 1970,
where a possibility to measure energy release in early Universe using Bose-Einstein type spectral distortions of CMB spectrum was predicted;
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- The Spectrum of Primordial Radiation, its Distortions and their Significance
Sunyaev, R. A.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.
Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 2, p.66, 1970
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- Influence of Energy Release on the Radiation Spectrum in the Hot Model of the Universe
Zeldovich, Y. B.; Illarionov, A. F.; Syunyaev, R. A.;
Soviet Physics - JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics) 35, 643, 1972
- Comptonization, the background-radiation spectrum, and the thermal history of the universe
Illarionov, A. F.; Syunyaev, R. A.,
Soviet Astronomy, 18, 691-699, 1975
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- Fluctuations in the primordial background radiation induced by secondary ionization of matter in the universe
Syunyaev, R.,
Soviet Astronomy Letters, 3, 268-271, 1977
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- Fluctuations of the microwave background radiation in the adiabatic and entropic theories of galaxy formation
Doroshkevich, A.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.; Syunyaev, R.;
Soviet Astronomy, 22, 523-528, 1978
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- Microwave background radiation as a probe of the contemporary structure and history of the universe
Sunyaev, R. A.; Zeldovich, Ya. B.,
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 18, 537-560, 1980
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- Heating of Primordial Gas by the Background Radiation in the Presence of Heavy Elements
Varshalovich, D. A.; Khersonskii, V. K.; Syunyaev, R. A.
Astrophysics, 17, 273, 1981
- Superposition of blackbodies and the dipole anisotropy: A possibility to calibrate CMB experiments
Chluba, J.; Sunyaev, R. A. ;
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 424, 389-408, 2004
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- CMB observations and the production of chemical elements at the end of the dark ages
Basu, K.; Hernández-Monteagudo, C.; Sunyaev, R. A.;
Astron. and Astrophys., 416, 447-466 , 2004
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- Cross-terms and weak frequency-dependent signals in the cosmic microwave background sky
Hernández-Monteagudo, C.; Sunyaev, R.A.;
Monthly Notices RAS, 359, 597-606, 2005
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- The imprint of cosmological hydrogen recombination lines on the power spectrum of the CMB
Rubino-Martin, J. A.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Sunyaev, R. A.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 438, 461-473, 2005
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