Venue: Room 006, MPA, Garching
Date: July 19 (Tuesday), 2022
Time: 13:30–18:00
Program (click on talk titles for presentation files)
- Paolo Campeti (MPA): On the origin of primordial gravitational waves
- Ippei Obata (MPA): On the analytical method of inflationary particle production with form fields
- Angelo Caravano (LMU): Lattice simulations of axion-U(1) inflation
Coffee Break
- Tomohiro Fujita (Waseda U.): U(1) gauge field and charged particles in axion inflation
- Asuka Ito (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Searching for axion dark matter with magnons
- Kai Murai (ICRR): Isotropic cosmic birefringence from early dark energy