Favorite stuff
- Wayne Hu (Chicago):
He is one of the greatest CMB theorists. Since his page is surprisingly instructive, this is
the best WEB text for learning the physics of CMB !!
- Max Tegmark (University of Pennsylvania):
He has great sense to make nice maps of CMB experiments. Maps of Saskatoon, HACME and QMAP
are currently available. He is also treating foreground issues in CMB with his wife.
- Nae Yuuki LINKS:
The Links to Nae Yuuki related pages. She is my best favorite actress in the world, and fascinates me at all!! Sadly, all the links have disappeared.. (December 8, 2004)
- Sky Images
- SkyView Virtual Observatory:
Browsing sky images from various surveys.
Java-based Multi-wavelength Astronomical Image Service ON-line.
- ROSAT X-Ray All-Sky Survey: PSPC all-sky, pointed PSPC, and pointed HRI surveys.
- NRAO VLA Sky Survey:
1.4GHz Sky-Survey. FITS images are available.
- DIRBE/IRAS Dust Maps: Maps of dust IR emission for use in estimation of reddening and CMBR foregrounds.
- WHAM: Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper. A survey of H-Alpha emission from the interstellar
medium over the entire northern sky.
The EGRET all-sky map shows an image of the sky at gamma-ray energies above 100 MeV in Galactic coordinates.
Wavelength-Oriented Microwave Background Analysis Team.
- Astronomical Databases
- NED: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database.
- SIMBAD: Astronomical database providing basic data, cross-identifications and bibliography for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
- VLA Calibrator Fluxes:
JAVA script providing fluxes for arbitrary sources.
- Simulated Cluster Catalogues
- Softwares/CMB
- HEALPix:
Simulating/analyzing the CMB all-sky map including both the
temperature and the polarization fields. Fortran 90 and/or IDL.
Powerful codes for 'fast' calculation of CMB power spectrum.
Calculating CMB power spectrum based on the covariant approach.
Source code is written in Fortran 90.
A code to calculate the recombination history of the Universe.
Cosmological MonteCarlo. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo code for
parameter estimation from CMB data.
- Softwares/Data-analysis
STARLINK package for the astronomical data reduction softwares.
- References
- Compilers, subroutines, etc.
CMB experiments
- Satellites
COsmic Background Explorer. The PIONEER of CMB satellite experiments!!
(launched; Nov 18, 1989, NASA)
- MAP:
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (launched; Jun 30, 2001, NASA).
The mission has been extended to four years, being completed on Sep 30, 2005.
- Planck:
Planck Surveyor (planned launch; 2007, ESA)
- Balloon-bornes
MAX (=Millimeter Anisotropy eXperiment) Imaging Array (launched; Aug 2, 1998)
Long duration balloon borne experiment (launched; Dec 29, 1998) - (landed; Jan 10, 1999)
- TopHat:
Long duration balloon borne experiment
(launched; Jan 4, 2001) - (landed; Jan 31, 2001)
- 3K Project: a ballon-borne experiment that uses a new type of
interfeoometeric instruments.
[3K meeting '98, '99].
- Interferometers
- CAT:
Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope. Interferometric experiment (13-17 GHz). Diameter
of antenna is 70 cm.
- VSA:
Very Small Array (diameter of smaller (larger) antenna is 143 (322) mm
!!). Interferometric experiment (26-36 GHz), probing l=140-3000.
[VSA first results: obs-1,obs-2,
power spectrum,
cosmo parameters]
Degree Angular Scale Interferometer. 13-element 20-cm dishes working at 23-36 GHz.
Probing l=140-920. Results coming soon!! Is there the second acoustic peak?!
[DASI first result on the temperature anisotropy:
power spectrum,
cosmo parameters]
Polarization measurement is being underway!
- CBI:
The Cosmic Background Imager. 13-element 1-m dishes working at 26-36 GHz.
Probing l=600-3600. Show us acoustic peaks beyond the second!!
[CBI first result]
[CBI second results:
mosaic field,
deep field,
cosmo parameters,
the SZ effect]
- ACBAR: Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver, mounted on the Viper telescope (2.1-m dish) at the South Pole. Frequencies: 150, 219, 274, and 345 GHz.
Resolutions: 4.8, 3.9, and 3.9 arcminutes for the first 3 bands.
Sensitivities to CMB: 300, 590, and 1470 micro-Kelvin sqrt(sec).
Sensitivities to SZ: 110, 140, and 290 mJy sqrt(sec).
- Archeops: a ballon-borne experiment working at 143, 217, 353 and 545 GHz.
This is a proto-type experiment of Planck/HFI.
- The Interferometric Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Imaging Experiment
- Polarization
- Polatron:
Caltech Project using OVRO 5.5m single dish
Wisconsin University Project
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- NRO SZ project:
A long-term observation project conducted with the NRO 45-m telescope.
- NRO:
Nobeyama Radio Observatory (in Nagano, Japan)
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (in Hawaii)
Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory (in California)
Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association (in California)
Cosmology Group at Tohoku University
Observational Cosmology Group at Tokyo University
Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University (Peyton Hall)
School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study
Astronomical institute, Tohoku University
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