(Last updated: June 20, 2012)
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- 2001
Doctor of Philosophy in Science Degree (Tohoku University, September 19)
- 1999
Master of Science Degree (Tohoku University, March 31)
- 1997
Bachelor of Science Degree (Tohoku University, March 31)
Employment History
- 2012-
Director (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching)
- 2012-
Honorary Professor (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)
- 2012-
Adjunct Professor (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 2009-2012
Director, Texas Cosmology Center (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 2010-2012
Professor (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 2008-2010
Associate Professor (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 2003-2008
Assistant Professor (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 2001-2003
MAP Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Princeton University)
- 2000-2001
Visiting Member (Institute for Advanced Study)
- 1999-2000
Visiting Student Research Collaborator (Princeton University)
- 1997-1998
Teaching Assistant (Tohoku University)
External Funding (USA)
Running total: $1,343,207 (PI: $938,918) from 2005 to 2012
7/1/11 - 8/31/12: PI, "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the WMAP 9-year Data," NASA/Astrophysics Data Analysis, $56,240
8/10/10 - 8/9/12: Sub-contract, "WMAP P.I. and Data Analysis Activities Based on the 2010 NASA Astrophysics Senior Review," Johns Hopkins University, $79,216 [PI: Charles L. Bennett]
10/15/08 - 9/30/11:
PI, "The Physics of Inflation: Non-Gaussianity, Reheating and Preheating," NSF/Theoretical Physics, $90,000
9/15/08 - 8/31/11:
PI, "Theory of Large-Scale Structure: Understanding Non-linearities, Bias, and Systematics in the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations as a Probe of Dark Energy," NSF/Astronomy and Astrophysics, $327,918
6/1/08 - 5/31/11:
PI, "Modeling the Power Spectrum in High-Redshift Surveys," NASA/Astrophysics Theory and Fundamental Physics, $344,761 [Co-Is: Volker Bromm and Avi Loeb]
11/12/08 - 11/11/10:
Sub-contract, "Analysis of the Temperature and Polarization Data from the Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)," Johns Hopkins University, $94,298 [PI: Charles L. Bennett]
6/1/08 - 4/15/09:
Sub-contract, "Inflation Studies with One- and a Two-Channel Cosmic Inflation Probe," Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, $146,326 [PI: Gary Melnick]
10/1/07 - 9/30/08:
PI, "Anisotropy in the Cosmic Near Infrared Background: Simulations vs Observations," Spitzer Cycle 4 Theoretical Research Proposal, California Institute of Technology, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $74,999 [Co-Is: Elizabeth R. Fernandez and Paul R. Shapiro]
6/1/07 - 5/31/08:
Sub-contract, "Mission Operations Oversight, Data Analysis, Systematic Error Analysis, Foreground Analysis, and Other Principal Investigtor Functions for the Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe," Johns Hopkins University, $51,379 [PI: Charles L. Bennett]
6/1/06 - 5/31/07:
Sub-contract, "Mission Operations Oversight, Data Analysis, Systematic Error Analysis, Foreground Analysis, and Other Principal Investigtor Functions for the Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe," Johns Hopkins University, $33,066 [PI: Charles L. Bennett]
9/16/05 - 9/15/09: "Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship," Alfred P. Sloan Research Foundation, $45,000
Professional Service
- Editor, Journal of Cosmology and Astro-particle Physics
- Editor, International Journal of Modern Physics D
- Referee, Advances in Astronomy
- Referee, Astrophysical Journal
- Referee, Astrophysical Journal Letters
- Referee, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
- Referee, Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Referee, Journal of Cosmology and Astro-particle Physics
- Referee, Journal of High Energy Physics
- Referee, Modern Physics Letters A
- Referee, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Referee, Nature
- Referee, Physical Review D
- Referee, Physical Review Letters
- Referee, Science
- Review Panel, NASA Astrophysics Theory Grant
- Review Panel, NASA Einstein Fellowship
- Peer Review, NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grant
- Peer Review, NSF CAREER Award
- Peer Review, NSF Physics Frontier Center
- Peer Review, NSF Advanced Technologies & Instrumentation
- Peer Review, Grant Proposal, Grants-in-Aid for Specially
Promoted Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Peer Review, Astronomy Rolling Grants, Science and Technology
Facilities Council (STFC)
- Peer Review, ERC Advanced Grant, European Research Council
- Peer Review, ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council
- Peer Review, ERC Starting Grant, European Research Council
- Peer Review, NASA Postdoctoral Program, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
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