*** Cross-power spectrum of CMB lensing potential and the Rees-Sciama effect, Q(l) *** April 6, 2012: E.Komatsu This program reads in the non-linear power spectrum table generated by "generate_pkz" or "generate_pkz3pt" (also available on CRL), and calculates the cross-correlation power spectrum of the CMB lensing potential and the Rees-Sciama (or Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect on large scales) effect: Q(l) = 2 \int_0^z* dz [r(z*)-r(z)]/[r(z*)r^3(z)] [dPpsi(k,z)/dz]_{k=l/r(z)} where r(z) is the comoving distance, z*=1090 is the redshift of the photon decoupling epoch, and Ppsi(k,z) is the power spectrum of Newtonian gravitational potential. This code reads in the non-linear power spectrum of density fluctuations (not potential) computed in four ways: 1. 3rd-order perturbation theory 2. Halofit [Smith et al. (2003)] 3. Ma et al. (1999) 4. Peacock & Dodds (1996) The output contains: (1st column) multipole, l (2nd column) Q(l) - To compile and use the program, edit Makefile and simply "make" - It will generate an executable called "compute_ql" - Running "compute_ql" generates a file called "ell_ql_***.txt" (where *** indicates which non-linear model is used), which contains: (1st column) multipole, l (2nd column) Q(l)