*** Fisher matrix calculation using Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in real space only *** October 25, 2008: E.Komatsu Ref: Seo & Eisenstein, ApJ, 665, 14 (2007) Here we provide a program for computing the Fisher matrix of the 1-dimensional distance scale, R, using the information of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) in REAL SPACE ONLY. I.e., the information in the overall shape is not used at all, and Da and H are not separated. Users may choose to use any of the following elements: - Whether to include the Kaiser boost in the overall amplitude of the power spectrum - Arbitrary number of redshift bins - Time-dependent linear galaxy bias, the maximum wavenumber used in the analysis (kmax) For the computation with the linear spectrum, we provide the data for the linear power spectrum at z=30, "wmap5baosn_max_likelihood_matterpower_at_z=30.dat," which was generated using CAMB code for the maximum likelihood parameters given in Table I of Komatsu et al.(2008) [WMAP 5-year interpretation paper] with "WMAP5+BAO+SN". The input file for CAMB is also provided (wmap5baosn_max_likelihood_params.ini). The program reports on the errors in ln(R) in percent. - To compile and use the sample programs (given below), edit Makefile and simply "./make" - It will generate executables called "fisher_distance_bao_realspace" For convenience, we provide a sample script, "sample.cmd", which would generate the output like this: macbook-3[eiichirokomatsu]% ./sample.cmd Include the Kaiser boost for the amplitude? 1) Yes 0) No Enter survey area on the sky in units of deg^2: For the redshift range and the number of galaxies: 1) Read in "number.txt" 2) Read in your favorite file 0) Enter your choice of zmin, zmax, # of galaxies in millions (A new file called "number.txt" will be created.) read in wmap5baosn_max_likelihood_matterpower_at_z=30.dat Enter zmin, zmax, # of galaxies (in millions) in the redshift bin#=( 1 ) (Enter 0,0,0 when you are done.) Enter the values of bias and kmax [h Mpc^-1] in 1.500 < z < 3.500 === redshift bin#=( 1 ) === 1.500 < z < 3.500 Vsur = 3.48185 h^-3 Gpc^3 Ngal = 1.00000 millions ngal = 0.28720 10^-3 h^3 Mpc^-3 bias = 2.00000 beta = 0.48413 sperp= 3.18151 h^-1 Mpc kmax = 0.43000 h Mpc^-1 Err[lnR](%) = 0.92350 Enter zmin, zmax, # of galaxies (in millions) in the redshift bin#=( 2 ) (Enter 0,0,0 when you are done.) Enter the values of bias and kmax [h Mpc^-1] in 3.500 < z < 6.500 === redshift bin#=( 2 ) === 3.500 < z < 6.500 Vsur = 4.40496 h^-3 Gpc^3 Ngal =10.00000 millions ngal = 2.27017 10^-3 h^3 Mpc^-3 bias = 4.00000 beta = 0.24837 sperp= 1.87198 h^-1 Mpc kmax = 1.00000 h Mpc^-1 Err[lnR](%) = 0.32224 Enter zmin, zmax, # of galaxies (in millions) in the redshift bin#=( 3 ) (Enter 0,0,0 when you are done.) === combined === Vsur = 7.88681 h^-3 Gpc^3 Ngal =11.00000 millions ngal = 1.39473 10^-3 h^3 Mpc^-3 Err[lnR](%) = 0.30425