*** Deconvolve C_l for the Mask with the MASTER algorithm *** June 27, 2010 Here we provide a simple program for implementing the so-called MASTER algorithm [Hivon et al., ApJ, 567, 2 (2002)] to deconvolve the power spectrum for the effect of a mask applied to a map. 1. Untar "deconvolve_mask.tar" 2. Edit "Makefile" - FC: To use the correct fortran90 compiler - LDFLAGS: To use the correct link to LAPACK and BLAS library 3. Then, "make". 4. To run it, type "deconvolve_mask" This code will ask you to enter: 1. the maximum multipole, 2. the filename of the raw power spectrum measured from a masked sky map, and 3. the filename of the power spectrum of the mask. Both can be computed by Healpix's "anafast", but you will need to convert the output of anafast (which is in the fits format) to the ASCII format. The format of the ASCII file must be: cl at l=0 cl at l=1 cl at l=2 . . I.e., a single-column file. The code will generate "deconvolved_cl.txt" As an example, a cut-sky power spectrum file "cl_cutsky.txt" and a mask power spectrum file "cl_of_mask.txt" are included (for lmax=1024). You may compare the output, "deconvolved_cl.txt" with the full-sky power spectrum, "cl_fullsky.txt", to see how well the full-sky power spectrum can be reconstructed by this algorithm.