Freeke van de Voort

HITS 2016

Welcome to my website. I am now a Royal Society University Research Fellow and lecturer at Cardiff University in Wales. Before moving to the UK, I was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. For those of you who are wondering: my first name, Freeke, rhymes with "Brake a [leg]" and my last name, van de Voort, means "of the Ford" and hence one emphasizes Voort. Previously, I also worked at HITS (Heidelberg, Germany) and Yale (New Haven, Connecticut, USA) as a Tschira fellow and at UC Berkeley (California, USA) and Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) as a TAC-ASIAA fellow. In 2012 I obtained my PhD on The growth of galaxies and their gaseous haloes at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

My research focuses on the study of galaxy formation for which I generally use cosmological, (magneto)hydrodynamical simulations. I am interested in the evolution of galaxies and the circum- and intergalactic medium. More specifically, I study the gas flows between these different regions and how they influence chemical enrichment. My work emphasizes the connection between simulations and observations, because we need both in order to understand how the universe works.

If you would like to contact me, you can send me an email (freeke"-at-" or come visit me in Cardiff.

Last modified on 13 Oct 2020