Conference rationale:
Recent observational studies of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies
are pushing the field to uncharted territories thanks to the development of new facilities and instrumentation.
The circumgalactic medium shows a multiphase nature (cold, cool, and warm-hot phases), with even molecular gas
on the halo scales of massive systems at high redshifts. These results provide new constraints and pose new
challenges for state-of-the-art cosmological simulations. The conference will bring together world leading
experts – at all career stages – in the study of each of the different phases of the CGM from both
observational and theoretical perspectives. The ultimate goal of the meeting is to (1) showcase the best
observational strategies and constraints, (2) discuss tensions with current theoretical models, (3) discuss
and propose novel strategies to deepen our understanding. This conference – given the multiwavelength
approach - will be an opportunity for researchers who may not usually interact with each other to share
ideas and create new collaborations.
Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia
Guinevere Kauffmann
Max Gronke
Thorsten Naab
Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia
Seok-Jun Chang
Vale Gonzalez-Lobos
Joanne Tan
Maria Depner