This visualisation shows a cross-section of the simulated matter
distribution ten seconds after the off-centre ignition of the
supernova explosion. When seen from different viewing angles, as
indicated by the white lines in the plot, a putative observer would
see different gas densities and composition, which correspond to the
diversity in observed supernovae.
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Supernova explosions are studied in the framework of stellar evolution
and are important factories for heavy chemical elements. Moreover,
they also play an important role in modern cosmology: supernovae of
type Ia (SNe Ia) are among the most precise distance indicators in the
Universe. Astronomers have used these supernovae over the past years
to map the expansion history of the Universe. This led to the
surprising finding that the expansion of the Universe is
accelerated. One possible explanation is ”Dark Energy“,
which accounts for about 75 percent of the energy density of the
Universe. The principle behind such distance measurements with
supernovae is simple: A well-established relation exists between their
peak luminosity and the rate of their fading from the peak, which
means that the intrinsic luminosity of SNe Ia can be obtained directly
from their light curve shapes. By comparing the apparent brightness to
the inferred intrinsic luminosity, the distance from which the
supernova is observed can be calculated.
Obviously, the success of this method depends critically on the
relation used to calibrate the peak luminosities of the supernovae,
and hence on the assumption that SNe Ia with the same luminosity all
look the same. However, this paradigm has been challenged as more and
more supernovae have been observed in detail. First signs of diversity
were noticed already in the late 1980s, and quantified beyond any
doubt in 2005. It turned out that SNe Ia with the same luminosity do
show differences in their spectra, which evolve differently with
time. So far the origin of this diversity has been unclear, giving
rise to several concerns: Is there only one uniform type of progenitor
system? Are SNe Ia really good distance indicators?
The differences appear mostly in the supernova spectra, which are a
good tracer of the chemical composition of the matter ejected in the
supernova explosion. Different elements leave an imprint on the
spectra due to characteristic absorption or emission lines. Over time
the cloud of ejected matter expands and becomes increasingly
transparent, so that deeper and deeper layers of the ejecta are
examined. Differences in the spectral evolution of various SNe Ia thus
point to differences in chemical composition, ionization and
excitation conditions, or velocities of the ejected material.
The progenitors of type Ia SNe are believed to be white dwarfs —
old, burnt-out stars made from carbon and oxygen. Hydrodynamical
simulations show that exploding white dwarfs can indeed produce SNe
Ia, although it is difficult to reproduce the diversity seen in
observations, as white dwarf stars have pretty well constrained
properties. One possibility to change the outcome of the explosion is
to modify the way the white dwarf is ignited — in a single or in
multiple sparks, in the middle or off-centre. Off-centre ignition may
lead to asymmetric explosions; the supernova appearance would then
depend on the direction from which the event is observed. In theory
this is straightforward, but it was unclear up to now whether or not
asymmetries do actually play a role in real supernovae.
With their new results, the international research group around
Keiichi Maeda from the IPMU at the University of Tokyo now took an
important step towards a unified picture of SN Ia explosions. They
found that different spectral properties that were observed in
supernovae and had been studied independently thus far are actually
strongly correlated. In addition, these properties can all be
explained in a straightforward manner if SNe Ia are asymmetric,
off-centre explosions. The observed diversity is then merely a
consequence of the random directions from which the supernovae are
With these results, the scientists can kill at least three birds with
a single stone: They explain not only the origin of the spectral
diversity but eliminate also a major concern in using SNe Ia as
distance indicators for cosmology by rescuing the idea of a uniform
progenitor system for the majority of events. Moreover, the results
are the first strong observational indication of how supernova
explosions are ignited. The finding points to asymmetric, off-centre
”Type Ia supernovae with a nearly identical photometric
properties can exhibit appreciably different spectral evolution, which
has been a nagging concern for cosmologists so far,“ says
Keiichi Maeda. ”Our study now strongly indicates that these
supernovae do not have intrinsic differences, but their diversity
arises solely from a viewing angle effect. The model unifies recent
advances in both theoretical and observational studies of type Ia
supernovae, supporting the idea of asymmetric explosions as a generic
Original publication:
K. Maeda, S. Benetti, M. Stritzinger, F. K. Röpke, G. Folatelli,
J. Sollerman, S. Taubenberger, K. Nomoto, G. Leloudas, M. Hamuy,
M. Tanaka, P. A. Mazzali and N. Elias-Rosa,
"An asymmetric explosion as the origin of spectral evolution
diversity in type Ia supernovae",
Nature, Vol 466, p82; doi:10.1038/nature09122