This image of local dust structures within 500 light-years of the Sun
combines the light from Planck's two highest frequency channels and an image
by the IRAS satellite. Red colours correspond to temperatures as cold as 10°
above absolute zero, and white to a few tens of degrees.
Credits: ESA/HFI Consortium/IRAS
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Planck is principally designed to study the biggest mysteries of cosmology.
How did the Universe form? How did the galaxies form? This new image extends
the range of its investigations into the cold dust structures of our own
Galaxy. Understanding the dust radiation from our closeby Milky Way,
however, is also essential to reveal details of the background radiation
reaching us from the far-away Universe. Planck produces precise maps of this
primordial radiation, emitted some 300 000 years after the Big Bang, to
answer questions about the origin of our Universe.
For more information see ESA Press Release
Planck News