The Fermi telescope has already been mapping the sky for several
months using gamma-rays, a form of radiation which is even more
energetic than X-rays. Within a couple of years it may detect a glow
from the dark matter whose gravitational effects astronomers first
detected more than three quarters of a century ago, but which has so
far remained stubbornly invisible to all our telescopes even though it
apparently accounts for 85% of all cosmic matter. Most cosmologists
believe that this dark matter is a new kind of elementary particle yet
to be detected on Earth (though the Large Hadron Collider might
provide evidence for it once its magnets are fixed). Under the right
conditions these particles may produce enough gamma-rays for Fermi to
detect them.
But where should Fermi look to see this gamma-ray signature of dark
matter? A team of astrophysicists from Germany, the UK, Canada and the
Netherlands (the "Virgo consortium") have used one of the largest of
all European supercomputers to simulate the formation of the dark
matter structure that surrounds a galaxy like our own Milky Way. Such
"dark matter halos" are more than a trillion times as massive as our Sun
and are the basic units of cosmic structure.
Simulations by the Virgo team show how the Milky Way's halo grew
through a series of violent collisions and mergers from millions of
much smaller clumps that emerged from the Big Bang. Most of these were
disrupted during the formation process, but some survive, the largest
harboring familiar satellites of the Milky Way such as the Large and
Small Magellanic Clouds or the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. Other clumps
were too small to make any stars, but are still predicted to lurk in
our Galaxy's halo, so far undetected by any telescope.
Gamma rays are produced in regions of high dark matter density when
the particles collide and annihilate in a puff of radiation. Many
cosmologists have argued that Fermi should search for gamm-rays from
the Milky Way's satellites, since their centres should be very
dense. The Virgo team's simulations demonstrate that this is not the
best place to look. Their careful calculations show that by far the
most easily detectable signal should come from regions of the Milky
Way well inside the Sun's position, but well away from the centre
itself. Looking right at the centre would be a poor strategy for
Fermi because of the danger of confusing the signal with gamma rays
coming from other sources, such as the remnants of supernovae or the
gas clouds where stars form. Instead, the Virgo team recommend
looking 10-30 degrees off-centre, where they predict that the dark
matter should glow in gamma-rays in a smoothly varying and
characteristic pattern.
If Fermi does detect the predicted emission from the Milky Way's
smooth inner halo, then it may, if we are lucky, also see gamma-rays
from small (and otherwise invisible) clumps of dark matter which
happen to lie particularly close to the Sun. These clumps will be
substantially fainter than the main halo, but may still be
detectable. The known satellites may be visible in gamma-rays too,
although their greater distance makes them even harder to detect.
The search for dark matter has dominated cosmology for many
decades. It may soon come to an end.
The largest simulation took 3.5 million processor hours to
complete. Volker Springel was responsible for shepherding the
calculation through the machine and said: "At times I thought it
would never finish."
Max Planck Director, Professor Simon White, remarked that "These
calculations finally allow us to see what the dark matter
distribution should look like near the Sun where we might stand a
chance of detecting it.
Professor Carlos Frenk, Director of the Institute for Computational
Cosmology, said: "Solving the dark matter riddle would be one of the
greatest scientific achievements of our time. It is striking that even
theoretical advances on such major scientific problems are now made by
international collaborations such as ours."
The simulations were carried out on three of the largest supercomputers in
- The Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München (LRZ) supercomputer where the main
simulation was performed
- The Cosmology Machine at the Institute for Computational Cosmology,
University of Durham
- The STELLA Supercomputer of the LOFAR Project at the University of
Original publication:
V. Springel, S. D. M. White, C. S. Frenk, J. F. Navarro, A. Jenkins,
M. Vogelsberger, J. Wang, A. Ludlow & A. Helmi:
Prospects for detecting supersymmetric dark matter in the Galactic halo
Nature, 6. November 2008
Images of the simulated dark matter halo and animations of its formation may
be found at
For further information please contact:
Dr. Volker Springel
Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching
Tel.: +49 89 30000-2238
email: volker
Prof. Simon White
Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching
Tel.: +49 89 30000-2211
email: swhite
Prof. Carlos Frenk
Durham University, UK
Tel.: +44 7808 726080
email: c.s.frenk
Prof. Amina Helmi
University of Groningen
Tel.: +31 50 3634045
email: ahelmi
Prof. Julio Navaro
University of Victoria, Canada
Tel.: +1 250 721 6644
email: jfn