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Directorship at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
(see AAS Job Register 45256)

The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (the MPA) is seeking a high- profile theoretical or computational astrophysicist to direct a broad research programme in subgalactic/stellar astrophysics. This programme should complement the extragalactic and cosmological programmes of the institute's current directors. The successful candidate will have established a record of original and creative research at the highest international level, and will have demonstrated the ability to inspire and lead a substantial group of younger scientists. He or she will join the institute's Board of Directors, will have access to a well defined and pre-negociated share of the institute's personnel and other resources, and will act as Managing Director for the institute as a whole in rotation with the other directors.

Scientists wishing to be considered for this post should, by September 15 2013, send an expression of interest in confidence to the current Managing Director at the address given below. This should be accompanied by a current CV and a "vision statement" of at most a few pages outlining the research themes that would likely be developed at the MPA. Less formal explorations of interest are also welcome and can be initiated by e-mail to the address given below.
     Simon White
     Managing Director,
     Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
     Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 1,
     D-85748 Garching, Germany
     e-mail: <swhite@mpa-garching.mpg.de>

The MPA is actively committed to equal opportunity in employment.

© 2003, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München