This is the complete list of members for ewald, including all inherited members.
byte_count | io_streamcount | |
Communicator | setcomm | |
constrain_intpos(MyIntPosType *pos) | intposconvert | inline |
constrain_pos(T pos) | intposconvert | inline |
determine_compute_nodes(void) | setcomm | inline |
diff_intpos_to_pos(MyIntPosType *a, MyIntPosType *b, T *posdiff, offset_tuple off=0) | intposconvert | inline |
ewald(void) | ewald | inline |
ewald_corr(double dx, double dy, double dz, enum interpolate_options, ewald_data &fper) | ewald | |
ewald_corr_exact(double dx, double dy, double dz, enum interpolate_options flag, ewald_data &fper) | ewald | |
ewald_D0(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D1(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D2(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D3(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D4(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D5(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D6(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_D7(double x, double y, double z) | ewald | |
ewald_gridlookup(const MyIntPosType *p_intpos, const MyIntPosType *target_intpos, enum interpolate_options flag, ewald_data &fper) | ewald | |
ewald_init(void) | ewald | |
ewald_P10(void) | ewald | |
ewald_P6(void) | ewald | |
ewald_P8(void) | ewald | |
FacCoordToInt | intposconvert | |
FacIntToCoord | intposconvert | |
get_io_byte_count(void) | io_streamcount | inline |
initcomm(MPI_Comm Comm) | setcomm | inline |
interpolate_options enum name | ewald | |
intpos_to_intpos(MyIntPosType *intpos, MyIntPosType *xyz) | intposconvert | inline |
intpos_to_pos(MyIntPosType *intpos, T *posdiff) | intposconvert | inline |
LONGRANGE_FORCETEST enum value | ewald | |
MaxTasksPerNode | setcomm | |
MemoryOnNode | setcomm | |
MinTasksPerNode | setcomm | |
mpi_printf(const char *fmt,...) | setcomm | inline |
MULTIPOLES enum value | ewald | |
my_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) | io_streamcount | inline |
my_fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) | io_streamcount | inline |
nearest_image_intpos_to_absolute_intdist(const MyIntPosType *a, const MyIntPosType *b, MyIntPosType *delta) | intposconvert | inline |
nearest_image_intpos_to_intpos_X(const MyIntPosType a, const MyIntPosType b) | intposconvert | inline |
nearest_image_intpos_to_intpos_Y(const MyIntPosType a, const MyIntPosType b) | intposconvert | inline |
nearest_image_intpos_to_intpos_Z(const MyIntPosType a, const MyIntPosType b) | intposconvert | inline |
nearest_image_intpos_to_pos(const MyIntPosType *const a, const MyIntPosType *const b, T *posdiff) | intposconvert | inline |
NTask | setcomm | |
NumNodes | setcomm | |
POINTMASS enum value | ewald | |
pos_to_intpos(T *posdiff, MyIntPosType *intpos) | intposconvert | inline |
pos_to_signedintpos(T posdiff) | intposconvert | inline |
pos_to_signedintpos(T *posdiff, MySignedIntPosType *intpos) | intposconvert | inline |
PTask | setcomm | |
RankInThisNode | setcomm | |
RegionCenter | intposconvert | |
RegionCorner | intposconvert | |
RegionLen | intposconvert | |
reset_io_byte_count(void) | io_streamcount | inline |
setcomm(MPI_Comm Comm) | setcomm | inline |
setcomm(const char *str) | setcomm | inline |
SharedMemoryOnNode | setcomm | |
signedintpos_to_distanceorigin(MySignedIntPosType *intpos) | intposconvert | inline |
signedintpos_to_pos(MySignedIntPosType *intpos, T *pos) | intposconvert | inline |
TasksInThisNode | setcomm | |
ThisNode | setcomm | |
ThisTask | setcomm |