This is the complete list of members for IO_Def, including all inherited members.
alloc_and_read_ntype_in_files(const char *fname, int num_files) | IO_Def | |
byte_count | io_streamcount | |
Communicator | setcomm | |
determine_compute_nodes(void) | setcomm | inline |
fill_file_header(int writeTask, int lastTask, long long *nloc_part, long long *npart)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
find_files(const char *fname, const char *fname_multiple) | IO_Def | |
get_base_address_of_structure(enum arrays array, int index)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
get_datagroup_name(int grnr, char *gname)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
get_filenr_from_header(void)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
get_io_byte_count(void) | io_streamcount | inline |
get_type_of_element(int index)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
header_buf | IO_Def | |
header_size | IO_Def | |
info | IO_Def | |
init_field(const char *label, const char *datasetname, enum types_in_memory type_in_memory, enum types_in_file type_in_file_output, enum read_flags read_flag, int values_per_block, enum arrays array, void *pointer_to_field, void(*io_func)(IO_Def *, int, int, void *, int), int typelist_bitmask, int hasunits, double a, double h, double L, double M, double V, double c, bool compression_on=false) | IO_Def | |
initcomm(MPI_Comm Comm) | setcomm | inline |
IO_Def(MPI_Comm comm, int format) | IO_Def | inline |
Max_IO_Fields | IO_Def | |
MaxTasksPerNode | setcomm | |
MemoryOnNode | setcomm | |
MinTasksPerNode | setcomm | |
mpi_printf(const char *fmt,...) | setcomm | inline |
my_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) | io_streamcount | inline |
my_fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) | io_streamcount | inline |
N_DataGroups | IO_Def | |
N_IO_Fields | IO_Def | |
NTask | setcomm | |
ntype_in_files | IO_Def | |
NumNodes | setcomm | |
PTask | setcomm | |
RankInThisNode | setcomm | |
read_file_header(const char *fname, int filenr, int readTask, int lastTask, long long *nloc_part, long long *npart, int *nstart)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
read_files_driver(const char *fname, int rep, int numfiles) | IO_Def | |
read_header_fields(const char *fname)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
read_increase_numbers(int type, int n_for_this_task)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
read_segment(const char *fname, int type, long long offset, long long count, int numfiles) | IO_Def | |
read_single_file_segment(const char *fname, int filenr, int type, long long offset, unsigned long long count, long long storage_offset, int numfiles) | IO_Def | |
reset_io_byte_count(void) | io_streamcount | inline |
set_filenr_in_header(int)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
set_type_of_element(int index, int type)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
setcomm(MPI_Comm Comm) | setcomm | inline |
setcomm(const char *str) | setcomm | inline |
SharedMemoryOnNode | setcomm | |
TasksInThisNode | setcomm | |
ThisNode | setcomm | |
ThisTask | setcomm | |
type_of_file | IO_Def | |
write_compile_time_options_in_hdf5(hid_t handle) | IO_Def | |
write_header_fields(hid_t)=0 | IO_Def | pure virtual |
write_multiple_files(char *fname, int numfilesperdump, int append_flag=0, int chunk_size=0) | IO_Def | |
~IO_Def() | IO_Def | virtual |