Hi Peter,
Not sure what it could be... My only guess is that "libgsl.a", etc. is not
really located in /usr/local/lib
But the fact that you could compile successfully argues agains this,
because then the gsl and fftw header files where apparently found (in
/usr/local/include ?)
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Peter Thomas wrote:
> I have been trying to compile Gadget-2 on our Sunfire. I get as far as the
> linking stage when I get lots of undefined symbols:
> mpcc -i -fast -xdepend -fsimple -xvector -xarch=v9b -xchip=ultra3
> -xcache=64/32/4:8192/512/1 main.o run.o predict.o begrun.o endrun.o
> global.o timestep.o init.o restart.o io.o accel.o read_ic.o ngb.o
> system.o allocate.o density.o gravtree.o hydra.o driftfac.o domain.o
> allvars.o potential.o forcetree.o peano.o gravtree_forcetest.o
> pm_periodic.o pm_nonperiodic.o longrange.o
> -R/opt/SUNWhpc/lib/sparcv9:/usr/local/lib
> -L/usr/local/hdf5/5-1.6.4-solaris-64/lib -lhdf5
> -L/usr/local/szip2.0-solaris-64-enc/lib -g -L/opt/SUNWhpc/lib/sparcv9 -lm
> -lmpi -L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lsrfftw_mpi
> -lsfftw_mpi -lsrfftw -lsfftw -o Gadget2
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_ranlxd1 -- referenced in the text segment of
> begrun.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_integration_workspace_alloc -- referenced in the
> text segment of driftfac.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) rfftwnd_mpi_local_sizes -- referenced in the text
> segment of pm_periodic.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_uniform -- referenced in the text segment of
> system.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_alloc -- referenced in the text segment of
> begrun.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_integration_workspace_free -- referenced in the
> text segment of driftfac.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_state -- referenced in the text segment of
> restart.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_size -- referenced in the text segment of
> restart.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) rfftwnd_mpi -- referenced in the text segment of
> pm_periodic.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_integration_qag -- referenced in the text segment
> of driftfac.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) gsl_rng_set -- referenced in the text segment of
> begrun.o
> ild: (undefined symbol) rfftw3d_mpi_create_plan -- referenced in the text
> segment of pm_periodic.o
> gmake: *** [Gadget2] Error 5
> I have fftw-2.1.5 and gsl-1.7 installed. It seems to find the libraries but
> fails to locate the desired symbols within them.
> Does anyone have any clues as to what I am doing wrong?
> Peter
> Prof. P. A. Thomas,
> Head of Department, Email: P.A.Thomas_at_sussex.ac.uk
> Physics & Astronomy, http://astronomy.susx.ac.uk/~petert
> Univ. of Sussex, Tel: +44 (0)1273 678775
> Brighton, Fax: +44 (0)1273 873124
> BN1 9QH, UK.
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Received on 2005-11-06 14:24:51