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Munich Dark Matter Meeting


This website is the home of our Munich/Garching Dark Matter Group. The format of our meeting is to start with a 40 min talk on a given topic, with discussions afterwards. The DM meetings are supported by the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence

Organizers: Babette Döbrich (MPP), Mathias Garny (TUM), Steffen Hagstotz (LMU), Henrique Rubira (TUM), Fabian Schmidt (MPA) and Julia Stadler (MPA).

Time: montly meeting, Tuesday at 3pm

Location: MPA Old Lecture Room, 401

Remote access vias zoom: (Meeting ID: 938 5813 9672, Passcode: 522402)


Date Speaker Title
October 17, 2023 David Wittman (UC Davis) Galaxy Cluster Mergers as Large Dark Matter Colliders
November 28, 2023 Simona Vegetti (MPA) What can we learn about dark matter from strong gravitational lensing
December 19, 2023 Gramos Qerimi (TUM) Effective Field Theories for Dark Matter Pairs in the Early Universe
January 30, 2024 Sankarshana Srinivasan (LMU) Detecting axion dark matter around neutron stars in the radio/mm waveband
February 27, 2024 Sandra Kortner (MPP) Chasing shadows - Dark Matter searches at the Large Hadron Collider
March 19, 2024 Samuel Witte (Oxford) Axion clouds around pulsars
April 30, 2024 Juan Maldonado (MPP) The MADMAX experiment: An axion detector in Garching
May 28, 2024 Mar Ciscar Monsalvatje (TUM) Matter-antimatter asymmetry and dark matter stability from baryon number conservation
June 25, 2024 Andreas Burkert (LMU) The Failure of Ultra-Light, Fuzzy Dark Matter Models in explaining Dark Matter Cores
(online only)
July 23, 2024 Lea Fuss (TUM) TBA


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