Date |
Speaker 1 |
Speaker 2 |
May 27 (2025) |
Naoki Yoshida (Tokio): Streaming motions, 21cm signature, and magnetic field generation (not an exotic one!) |
May 20 (2025) |
May 13 (2025) |
May 6 (2025) |
Francisco Maion (DICP): TBA |
Caroline Guandalin (University of Edinburgh): TBA |
Apr 29 (2025) |
Apr 22 (2025) |
Apr 15 (2025) |
Apr 8 (2025) |
Akash Vani (MPA): TBA |
Apr 1 (2025) |
Adriaan Duivenvoorden (MPA): TBA (part 1) |
Adriaan Duivenvoorden (MPA): TBA (part 2) |
Mar 25 (2025) |
Ivan Kostyuk (SNS): TBA |
Padelis Papadopoupos (Thessaloniki): TBA |
Mar 18 (2025) |
Philipp Grete (Hamburg): MHD turbulence from idealized boxes to exascale simulations of the ICM |
Angelo Caravano (IAP): TBA |
Mar 11 (2025) |
Soumya Shreeram (MPE): Retrieving the hot CGM physics from the X-ray radial profile from eROSITA with a TNG-based forward model |
Mar 4 (2025) |
Piyush Sharda (Leiden): The first stars: window to cosmic dawn |
Ildar Khabibullin (USM, MPA): X-ray emission from WHIM |
Feb 25 (2025) |
Richard D'Souza (Vatican Observatory): Constraining the importance of the most important mergers on Milky Way-mass galaxies |
Feb 18 (2025) |
Feb 11 (2025) |
Roger de Belsunce (LNBL): Cosmology with the Lyman-a Forest |
Jed Homer (LMU): Simulation-based inference has its own Dodelson-Schneider effect (but it knows that it does) |
Feb 4 (2025) |
Almudena Prieto (IAC): The PARSEC view of star formation and the ISM in galaxies |
Guang-Xing Li (USM Munich): Reveal hidden regularities in complex astronomical images - Adjacent Correlation Analysis |
Jan 28 (2025) |
Rebekka Bieri (Zurich): Unveiling the Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxies from Dwarf Scales to Galaxy Groups |
Freeke van de Voort (Cardiff): Magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium |
Jan 21 (2025) |
Laura Sales (UCR): Transition of morphologies in simulated dwarf galaxies: from disks to irregulars |
Jan 14 (2025) |
Postdoc Interviews |
Jan 7 (2025) |
Postdoc Interviews |
Dec 17 |
Silvia Gasparotto (Barcelona): Searching for Ultra Light Dark Matter with Gravitational Waves |
Dec 10 |
Panos Patsis (Athens): Morphologies arising from the gas flow in the innermost kpc of barred spiral galaxies |
Dec 3 |
Nov 26 |
Ting-Yi (Niels Bohr Institute) : Mapping re-ionized bubbles with JWST observations of galaxy Lyman alpha emissions |
Stefan Schuldt (University of Milan) : Time-delay cosmography at cluster scale |
Nov 19 |
Nov 12 |
Carlos Eduardo Hervias Caimapo (UC): Modeling parity-violating spectra in Galactic dust polarization with filaments and its applications to cosmic birefringence searches |
Nov 5 |
Asmaa Maoun (TUM): Constraining an interacting dark sector with galaxy cluster abundance.
Oct 29 |
Joachim Harnois-Deraps (Newcastle University): DES+KiDS: Cosmic shear cosmology with 127 million galaxies |
Oct 22 |
Nastassia Grimm (University of Geneva): Model-independent tests of General Relativity combining the Weyl potential and redshift-space distortions |
Yo Toda (Hokkaido University): Varying electron mass solution to the Hubble tension and cosmological parameters |
Oct 15 |
Sveva Castello (University of Geneva): Testing gravity through the distortion of time |
Oct 8 |
Shun Saito (MST): An empirical but realistic high-fidelity synthetic catalog of Lyman-Alpha Emitters at z=2-3 |
Rajsekhar Mohapatra (Princeton) : The AGB and Type 1a supernovae regulated hot ISM in massive ellipticals |
Oct 1 |
Sep 24 |
Hong-Ming Zhu (NAO): Systematic Analysis of Parity-Violating Modes in Large-Scale Structure |
Noah Sailer (Berkeley): What is S_8(z_{low})...actually? -- tomographic structure growth in the linear regime from cross-correlations of DESI galaxies with CMB lensing |
Sep 17 |
Charalampos Nikolis (MPA): The Large Scale Structure Renormalization Group with Primordial non Gaussianity |
Date |
Speaker 1 |
Speaker 2 |
July 30 |
Facundo Rodriguez (Cordoba): Evolution of central galaxy alignments |
July 23 |
Adi Nusser (Technion): Large Scale Structure from Conventional methods to NN |
Sophie Vogt (USM): f(R) constraints from SPT clusters with DES and HST weak lensing combined with CMB Planck data |
July 16 |
Jing Wang (Peking): New Ways of Looking into Galaxy Evolution in CGM and Groups/Clusters with New HI Data |
Xuchen Lin (Peking): Constraining the Co-existent Environmental/CGM Effects on Galaxy Evolution |
July 9 |
Yihao Zhou (Carnegie Mellon): MAGICS: The Crucial Role of Tidal Stripping in Seed Black Hole Binary Evolution |
Marta Reina-Campos (McMaster, CITA): The SCALES project: connecting star clusters to their host galaxies |
July 2 |
Reserved |
Reserved |
June 25 |
Tomomi Sunayama (Arizona): Towards precision cosmology with galaxy clusters |
Oliver Zier (MIT): Accelerating radiative transfer (RT) in AREPO using GPUs |
June 18 |
Michele Pizzardo (Halifax): The growth of clusters of galaxies with IllustrisTNG |
Nianyi Chen (Carnegie Mellon): Massive black hole binaries from seeds to giants: predictions from the ASTRID cosmological simulation and beyond |
June 11 |
Atrideb Chatterjee (IUCAA): Cosmology from Point Clouds |
Kandaswamy Subramanian (IUCAA): Challenges in understanding primordial magnetic fields |
June 4 |
Biwei Dai (UCB): Beyond Summary Statistics: Leveraging Generative Models for Field-Level Weak Lensing Analysis |
May 28 |
Grace Lawrence (UCL): Gusts in the Headwind - Uncertainties in Direct Dark Matter Detection |
Sam Goldstein (Columbia): Non-perturbative techniques to search for massive-ish particles during inflation with large-scale structure surveys |
May 21 |
Leonard Romano (MPE): Metal-Rich Star-Formation by Supernova Implosion |
May 14 |
Stephen Stopyra (OKC/Stockholm): An Anti-halo Void Catalogue of the Local Super-Volume |
Pengfei Li (Utah): Emulating Extended Lya Halos Around Star-Forming Galaxies |
May 7 |
Mudit Garg (UZH): Astrophysical signatures on Gravitational Waves of LISA Massive Black Hole Binaries |
Leander Thiele (IPMU): Neutrino mass constraint from an Implicit Likelihood Analysis of BOSS voids |
Apr 30 |
Brian Tapia Contreras (UCC): Insights into the physical processes that shape the metallicity profiles in galaxies |
Apr 23 |
Chris Byrohl (Heidelberg): Introducing cosmosTNG: Constrained Cosmological Galaxy Formation Simulations in the COSMOS field |
Eric Rohr (Heidelberg): The case for a CGM around massive satellites in TNG-Cluster |
Apr 16 |
Apr 9 |
James Bolton (Notthingham): Testing dark photon dark matter with intergalactic gas |
Laurence Gong (USM/LMU/MPE): C3NN: Cosmological Correlator Convolutional Neural Network -- an interpretable machine learning tool for cosmological analyses |
Apr 2 |
Thomas Tomlinson (Durham): Digging for the relics of ancient mergers at the heart of the Milky Way |
Mar 26 |
Gen Chiaki (NAO): TBA |
Rikuto Omae (NAO): Probing the Magnetic Fields of Distant Galaxies to Unravel the Evolution of Galactic Magnetic Fields |
Mar 19 |
Laura Salvati (IAS-Orsay): Cosmology with galaxy clusters detected in mm wavelengths |
Changhyin Cho (NYU): Simulating Outflow Behavior in Massive Galaxies: A New AGN Feedback Model in the HELLO Simulations |
Mar 12 |
Mar 5 |
Ben Wandelt (IAP): AI-assisted discovery in cosmological physics |
Feb 27 |
John Silverman (IPMU): Locking in co-evolution between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies in the early Universe |
Abhijeet Anand (LBNL): Data Releases of DESI and Archetype-based Redshift Estimation |
Feb 20 |
Giovanni Cabass (RBI Zagreb): BOSS Constraints on Massive Particles during Inflation: The Cosmological Collider |
Feb 13 |
Saleem Zaroubi (Groningen): Direct detection of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in galaxy clusters |
Feb 6 |
IMPRS Workshop |
IMPRS Workshop |
Jan 30 |
Claudia Muni (UCL): From particles to orbits: precise dark matter density profiles with dynamical information |
Jan 23 |
Ignasi Pérez Ràfols (from the Universtitat Politècnica de Catalunya) : Cosmology (& astrophysics) with the Lyman alpha forest |
Jan 16 |
Anja von der Linden (Stony Brook University) : Cluster Cosmology: Orientation Bias and Projection Effects |
Jan 9 |
Chervin Laporte (Barcelona): Tracing dark matter halo wakes with stellar halos |
Jan 2 |
Date |
Speaker 1 |
Speaker 2 |
Dec 12 |
Postdoc interviews |
Postdoc interviews |
Dec 5 |
Postdoc interviews |
Postdoc interviews |
Nov 28 |
Giorgos Korkidis (The University of Crete): Cosmology at the edges: the turnaround scale as new probe of cosmology |
Jenny Alejandra Gonzalez Jara (Santiago): Chemical Fingerprints of Stellar Halo Assembly |
Nov 21 |
Valerie Domcke (CERN): Gravitational wave astronomy: status and challenges |
James Sullivan (UC Berkeley): Galaxies Remember Inflation - New Aspects of Local Primordial non-Gaussianity in Galaxy Surveys |
Nov 14 |
Gilles Weymann-Despres (IJCLab): Linking cosmology to particles in a realistic slow-roll inflationary scenario |
Tibor Dome (Cambridge): 21 cm Intensity Mapping in Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies |
Nov 7 |
Tae-Hyeon Shin (Stony Brook University): The splashback radius as a probe of mass accretion history and cosmology |
Toshiki Kurita (MPA): Constraints on anisotropic primordial non-Gaussianity with galaxy shapes |
Oct 31 |
Patricia Diego Palazuelos (MPA): Cosmic birefringence from the epochs of recombination and reionization. |
Oct 24 |
Andrew Hannington (Cardiff): The circumgalactic medium of Milky Way like galaxies |
Oct 17 |
Ankush Manda (IUCAA): How do outflows from the AGN affect the star formation activity inside the host galaxy? |
Xun Shi (Yunnan University): Iterative Mean-field Approach to dark matter halo structure -- find universality in the complex |
Oct 10 |
Marco Marinucci (Technion institute of Haifa): Unbiased cosmology from biased tracers |
Oct 3 |
Tag der Deutschen Einheit [Public Holiday] |
Sep 26 |
[Cosmology group retreat] |
Sep 19 |
Lachlan Lancaster (Columbia): What Pops the Wind-Blown Bubble? |
Ken Osato (Chiba University): Field-level inference with differentiable GridSPT |
Sep 12 |
Sep 5 |
Date |
Speaker 1 |
Speaker 2 |
July 25 |
Graziano Rossi (Sejong University): Cosmological Neutrino Mass Detection: Alternative Clustering Methods |
July 18 |
Marius Peper (Nicolaus Copernicus University): How do voids influence galaxy evolution? |
David Valles-Perez (Valencia): Turbulence in galaxy clusters & A Helmholtz-Hodge + Reynolds decomposition algorithm for SPH simulations |
July 11 |
Dandan Xu (Tsinghua): Linking the rise and fall of star formation with the large-scale angular-momentum environment through circumgalactic medium |
Himanish Ganjoo (Perimeter Institute/NCSU): Illuminating Hidden Sectors with Early Matter Domination |
July 4 |
Shun Saito (Missouri): Progresses on the galaxy bispectrum and a new observational test on the large-scale structure consistency relation |
June 27 |
Antonela Monachesi (La Serena): Galaxy outskirts as a tool to reconstruct the accretion history of galaxies |
Facundo Gomez (La Serena): Lopsidedness as a tracer of early galactic assembly history |
June 20 |
Florian List (Vienna): Fast time integrators for cosmological simulations |
Deanne Fisher (Swinburne University, Australia) : An Increasingly Complex View of Galactic Winds |
June 13 |
Lucio Mayer (U Zurich): Direct formation of supermassive black holes from relativistic collapse in high-z galaxy mergers |
Hayden Foote (U of Arizona): The Large Magellanic Cloud's Dynamical Friction Wake in Cold vs Fuzzy Dark Matter |
June 6 |
Megan Tillman (Flatiron): The effects of AGN and stellar feedback on the low redshift Lyman-alpha forest |
Laurence Gong (LMU): Cosmology from the integrated shear 3-point correlation function: simulated likelihood analyses with machine-learning emulators |
May 30 |
Keir Rogers (Toronto): Searching for the fundamental nature of dark matter in the cosmic large-scale structure |
May 23 |
Marta Monelli (MPA): Impact of half-wave plate systematics on the measurement of cosmic birefringence from CMB polarization |
Zhiyuan Yao (Jerusalem): Stream shattering across the virial shock |
May 16 |
Jeongin Moon (Sejong University/MPA): First Detection of the BAO Signal from Early DESI Data |
May 9 |
At 3pm, in person [60min talk]: Ue-Li Pen (ASIAA/CITA): Coherent cosmology: FRBs, lensing and path integrals |
May 2 |
Viola Gelli (Firenze): Dwarf galaxies at high redshift in the JWST era |
Thales Gutcke (U. of Hawaii): Ancient globular clusters - a formation scenario from ultra-high resolutions simulations? |
Apr 25 |
Cornelius Rampf (Vienna): Critical phenomena and cosmological perturbations at the extreme |
Thomas Montandon (Vienna): Relativistic matter bispectrum of cosmic structures on the light cone |
Apr 18 |
Apr 11 |
Toni Kalevi Tuominen (Paris): Cosmic metal invaders: an EAGLE view of the intergalactic OVII in filaments |
Apr 4 |
At 3pm, virtually over Zoom: Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski (Flatiron): Inflationary Signals of Parity Violation in Gravity |
Mar 28 |
Nicolas Garavito (CCA): Modeling dark matter halos in disequilibrium using Basis Function Expansions |
Mar 21 |
Giulia Capurri (SISSA): The stochastic gravitational-wave background from astrophysical sources as a tracer of the Large-Scale Structure |
Mar 14 |
Mar 7 |
Clement Stahl (Strasbourg): Exploring the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity at galactic scales |
Chian-Chou Chen (ASIAA): New Insight from ALMA and JWST on the Triggering of Star Formation in Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon |
Feb 28 |
Gen Chiaki (NAOJ): Seeding Second Stars: transition from Pop III to Pop II stars |
Feb 21 |
Feb 14 |
Julia Stadler (MPA): Redshift-space distortions at the field level |
Feb 7 |
[IMPRS workshop] |
Jan 31 |
Alankar Dutta (IIS): Simulations and Modelling of the multiphase CGM |
Alessandro Greco (Padova): Probing Axions through Tomography of Anisotropic Cosmic Birefringence |
Jan 24 |
Raphael Errani (Strassbourg): Dark matter halo cores and the tidal survival of Milky Way satellites |
Jan 17 |
Azadeh Moradinezhad (Geneva): Capturing non-Gaussian information of galaxy clustering with weighted skew spectra |
Jan 10 |
[Old schedules: