This meeting is the 19th in the series of Nuclear Astrophysics Workshops on Ringberg Castle. As in previous workshops, the goal is to bring together scientists from nuclear astrophysics, galactic evolution, and stellar and supernova theory and observations.
The number of participants is limited to at most 60, and in the case of a higher number of registrations the organizers will have to select amongst them.

There is no registration fee. Accomodation on the Castle includes full board (accommodation rates are listed here). In exceptional cases, e.g. if the Castle should be overbooked, participants will be accommodated in nearby hotels in Tegernsee.


The workshop will be held at Ringberg Castle, 50 km south of Munich. It offers full-board accommodation and an inspiring atmosphere for intense communication, particularly fruitful for workshops.

Show on a map
Castle's website
accommodation rates are listed here


ITC-ECI Conference Grants

Conference grants to help ITC-ECI attend conferences related to ChETEC Action

COST introduced recently Conference Grants to help ECIs (Early Career Investigators: <= PhD degree date + 8 years) working in ITCs (inclusiveness Target Countries) attend conferences related to the Action they take part in (ChETEC Action CA16117). For further information see here