Modelling of Multiphase Astrophysical Media , Aspenstein Castle, May 30 -June 2 2023, Program (01.06.2023)
Monday, May 29Talk times include ~3 minutes for questions.
from 16:00Check-in & registration
17:00Welcome drinks
Tuesday, May 30
08:55Max Gronke, Ryan Farber and Ildar KhabibullinWelcome address
9:00Intro: Turbulence & Mixing (Drummond Fielding)Chair: Philipp Grete
9:10Peng OhThermal Instability with Non-Thermal Forcing
9:30Drummond FieldingMultiphase Turbulence Meets Magnetic Reconnection
9:50Hitesh DasMultiphase Gas with Turbulence, with a pinch of magnetic fields
10:35Suoqing JiSubsonic and Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Layers
10:55Frederick GrothTurbulence with MFM
11:10Miha CerneticMultiphase astrophysical systems on a new multiGPU Discontinuous Galerkin code
11:25Discussion for Turbulence & MixingSuoqing Ji and Peng Oh
13:30Intro: Cloud-wind interactions (Max Gronke)Chair: Rosie Talbot
13:40Zhiyuan YaoA new survival criterion in cloud crushing problem
14:00Ben WibkingAccelerating Cold Clouds with Both Hot Winds and Radiation
14:20Brent TanCloud in Realistic Galactic Winds
14:35Alankar DuttaCold clouds in outflows and more on CGM environments
15:20Marcus BrüggenCold clouds in hot supersonic winds
15:40Ryan FarberThe Origin and Fate of Cold Gas in the CGM
16:00Charalampos NikolisA multifluid wind model
16:15Discussion for Cloud-Wind InteractionsMarcus Brüggen & Ben Wibking
16:45End Tuesday
Wednesday, May 31
9:00Intro: Solar corona (Rony Keppens)Chair: Ulrich Steinwandel
9:10Ramon OliverT.N.E. it's dynamite
9:30Rony KeppensMultiphase dynamics in the solar corona : rain and prominences!
9:50Andrew HillierStrong magnetic fields, radiative mixing layers and the cooling of the solar corona
10:40Patrick AntolinFine structure and multi-wavelength variability associated with coronal rain
11:00Ben SnowMixing in multi-level partially ionised systems
11:20Discussion for Solar Corona Ramon Oliver & Ben Snow
11:50Short break
12:00Intro: Feedback & outflows (Evan Schneider)Chair: Rainer Weinberger
12:10Evan SchneiderInterpreting the Multiphase CGM
12:30Christopher CarrRegulating Star Formation with a Hot Circumgalactic Medium
14:00Ulrich SteinwandelThe origin of multiphase galactic winds
14:20Matthew SmithModelling multiphase galactic winds in cosmological simulations with Arkenstone
14:40Aditi VijayanMetallicity Gradients of Galactic Outflows
15:00Dustin NguyenInsights on mass-loaded galactic winds and feedback from rings
15:45Lachlan LancasterThe Evolution of Feedback Bubbles around Massive Stars
16:05Leonard RomanoSISSI: Supernovae In a Shearing, Stratified Interstellar Medium
16:20Roark HabeggerCosmic Ray Injections in a Multiphase Interstellar Medium
16:35Discussion for Feedback & Outflows Chris Carr & Lachlan Lancaster
17:05End Wednesday
18:45Special Bavarian Dinner
Thursday, June 1
9:20Intro: AGN feedback (Yuan Li)Chair: Andrew Hillier
9:30Yuan LiMultiphase Gas in Galaxy Clusters
9:50Philipp GreteFeedback and energetics from magnetized AGN jets in galaxy groups and clusters
10:40Megan TillmanAGN Feedback and the Low Redshift Lyman-alpha Forest
10:55Rosie TalbotHow AGN jets affect and are affected by multiphase gas
11:15Congyao ZhangX-ray Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters and their Role in Generating Internal Gravity Waves and Shaping Ha Filaments
11:35Discussion for AGN Feedback Megan Tillman and Congyao Zhang
13:20Intro: CGM & ICM (Yuval Birnboim)Chair: Aditi Vijayan
13:30Yuval BirnboimGas dynamics in the CGM
13:50Cameron HummelsObservational Signatures of Different CGM Configurations
14:10Prateek Sharma Linear and nonlinear aspects of thermal instability and multiphase condensation
14:30Viraj PandyaMultiphase flows within the context of a novel unified model for galaxy--CGM co-evolution
15:20Eugene ChurazovX-ray diagnostic of cold/warm/hot gas
15:40Ritali GhoshA Tale of 3 Phases: Ram pressure stripping
15:55Tirso Marin GilabertThe Role of Viscosity in Galaxy Clusters
16:10Discussion for CGM & ICMEugene Churazov & Cameron Hummels
16:40End Thursday
Friday, June 2
9:00Intro: Cosmological context (Klaus Dolag)Chair: Ritali Ghosh
9:10Klaus DolagThe WHIM in our local neighbourhood
9:30Ildar KhabibullinWarm intergalactic medium in Magneticum: spatial distribution, velocities and metallicity
9:50Silvio FortunéThe "Bathtub" Model in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations
10:05Claude-Andre Faucher-GiguereInterplay between Cosmological Processes and Small-Scale Physics in Producing Multiphase Structure in the CGM
10:55Rainer WeinbergerModeling unresolved multi-phase gas in cosmological simulations
11:15Rahul RameshThe CGM of TNG50 Milky Way-likes
11:30Chris ByrohlLyman-alpha emission signatures as a tracer of multiphase gas
11:50Mohammedreza AyromlouThe fate of the CGM gas
12:10Katrin LehleA Weather Forecast for Galaxy Clusters in IllustrisTNG
13:40Discussion for Cosmological ContextClaude-Andre Faucher-Giguere and Mohammedreza Ayromlou
14:10Closing DiscussionYuan Li, Evan Schneider & Prateek Sharma
14:30Final coffee break / Farewell
Modelling of Multiphase Astrophysical Media , Aspenstein Castle, May 30 -June 2 2023