For selected snapshots in time, we provide the radius- and angle-dependent properties of neutrinos emitted from 11.2, 15 and 25 solar mass progenitors (LS220 equation of state). Instructions on how to read the data files presented below are provided here. All data are provided in a coordinate frame that moves with the matter fluid. We also provide an animation of the electron neutrino lepton number variation with radius for the 15 solar mass progenitor. For support or further information, please contact Irene Tamborra (
The electron lepton number is always positive. In particular, the dip in the forward direction never turns negative, so there is no crossing between the electron neutrino and antineutrino angular distributions. The animation is available here.
More information about the progenitors as well as the explosion simulations is available via the following link upon request: Neutrinos from the Formation, Cooling, and Black Hole Collapse of Neutron stars (2014).
The full energy- and angle-dependent neutrino intensities are available from the PhD thesis by L. Hüdepohl (TU Munich, 2014) and via the following link upon request: Neutrino intensity for a set of progenitors (2012)
The full energy- and angle-dependent neutrino intensities are available from the PhD thesis by L. Hüdepohl (TU Munich, 2014) and via the following link upon request: Neutrino intensity for a 15 solar-mass star core collapse (2012)
The full energy- and angle-dependent neutrino intensities are available from the PhD thesis by L. Hüdepohl (TU Munich, 2014) and via the following link upon request: Neutrino intensity for a set of progenitors (2012)