==== SESTAS – SEminar on STellar AStrophysics ==== This is the group meeting for MPA members and affiliates interested in any aspect of the lives, deaths, and afterlives of stars. This explicitly includes the physics of stellar interiors, stellar explosions, binaries and multiple stars, and gravitational astrophysics. The meetings take place on **Wednesday at 14:00 - 15:30 in the big lecture hall (E.0.11)** and will be in hybrid format also allowing for online participation. All announcements will be made via the mailing list ([[sestas@mpa-garching.mpg.de]]). Tell [[tiara@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE|Tiara]] if you want to subscribe. **Rough guidelines for SESTAS contributions/talks: (Note the new format) ** * This series is primarily a platform for Postdocs and PhD students in (or affiliated with) the stellar department, but we have room for visitors or guests. * The standard format is two short talks of 10-15 minutes each followed by an informal discussion. * Everyone, regardless of seniority and expertise, is encouraged to participate in the discussion. We explicitly welcome basic questions. * (We may deviate from the format on specific occasions, for example when we have senior external visitors) **What to present?** * Talks can be on the presentation of a recent result or ongoing work. Presentations of a recent or classic paper in the field are also welcome. You do not need to be an expert on the topic presented, as long as you make an effort to explain. (If in doubt discuss with your advisor or mentor before). * Practice of a talk you plan to give at an upcoming conference can also be accommodated. **How to present?** We will have many attendees that will not be real experts on your specific topic. Please make an effort to make your talk accessible for the non-experts in the room. For example. * Consider giving a brief overview of the context. How does the topic fit into bigger questions or unsolved problems? Is what you present a generally accepted view or is it challenging the status quo? * Bonus points for explanatory cartoons if you want to explain something. Also, bonus points if you slowly build up a more complicated graph if you want to show one. * Slides are probably the most convenient format for most. Other formats (a handout, the blackboard, present directly from the paper, or an interpretive dance, ..?) are welcome as long as you make an effort to make your contribution accessible for all attending. ====SESTAS TALKS:==== ++++ 2022 | === September :=== *__**2022/9/7**__ * **Holly Preece (MPA) **, Title : Forming Hot Subdwarf B Stars in Triples * **Abinaya Swaruba Rajamuthukumar (MPA) **, Title : TBA === July :=== *__**2022/7/13**__ * **Geza Csornyei (MPA) **, Title : Period changes and long-term fluctuations of Galactic Classical Cepheid variables *__**2022/7/6**__ * **Camilla Hansen (MPIA) **, Title : Mono-enriched stars and Galactic chemical evolution – Possible biases in observations and theory === June :=== *__**2022/6/30**__ * **Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria)**, Title : Mixing by internal gravity waves and its possible roles in the origin of the Li-rich red-clump stars and formation of the C-13 pocket in AGB stars Slides: [[https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/SESTAS/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=rgbigwmixingmpapdf.pdf]] *__**2022/6/29**__ * **Paul Crowther (Sheffield)**, Title : Very Massive Stars *__**2022/6/22**__ * **Jakob Stegmann (Cardiff) **, Title : Binary black hole mergers from merged stars in triples * **Taeho Ryu (MPA) **, Title : Stellar tidal disruption events by stellar-mass binary black holes *__**2022/6/15**__ * **Max Gronke (MPA) **, Title : Powerlaws *__**2022/6/8**__ * **Keaton Bell (Uni. Washington) **, Title : Asteroseismology and Astrometry Synergy for Accurate White Dwarf Parameters *__**2022/6/1**__ * **Shashi Kanbur (SUNY Oswego) **, Title : Stellar pulsation calculations === May :=== *__**2022/5/25**__ * **Luc Dessart (IAP Paris) **, Title : Models of Type Ibc supernovae from He-star explosions *__**2022/5/18**__ * **David Aguilera-Dena (FORTH Greece) **, Title : Stripped-envelope stars, dead or alive, across cosmic time *__**2022/5/4**__ * **Jakob Ehring (MPA) **, Title : Neutrino Fast Flavor Conversion in Core-Collapse Supernovae === April :=== *__**2022/4/20**__ * **Dominic Bowman (KU Leuven) **, Title : Interior rotation, mixing and magnetic fields of early-type stars with asteroseismology *__**2022/4/13**__ * **Mauro Mariani (Uni. La Plata) **, Title : Neutron stars and multimessenger astronomy === March :=== *__**2022/3/23**__ * **Pierre Houdayer (LESIA) **, Title : Seismic determination of the helium abundance in low mass stars, insights from modeling the ionization region *__**2022/3/16**__ * **Abinaya Swaruba Rajamuthukumar (MPA) **, Title : Interacting white dwarfs in triple-star systems * **Soetkin Janssens (KU Leuven) **, Title : Hunting for black holes around massive stars with Gaia DR3 *__**2022/3/7**__ * **Benard Nsamba(MPA) **, Title : Astronomy development in Africa. Case I: focus on Uganda === February :=== *__**2022/2/23**__ * **Daniel Pauli (Uni. Potsdam) **, Title : AzV 476: one of the earliest O-type eclipsing binaries in the SMC * ** Michael Abdul-Masih (ESO) **, Title : Three-dimensional effects of rotation in massive star spectroscopy and photometry *__**2022/2/16**__ * **Jing-Ze Ma **, Title : Are binary-stripped massive stars more efficient carbon factories: effect of metallicity and orbital period * **Marianne Heida (ESO) **, Title : Constraining the mass transfer rate in the ultraluminous X-ray pulsar M82 X-2 *__**2022/2/9**__ * **Jakub Klencki (ESO) **, Title : An Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected Through Astrometric Microlensing * **Tiara Battich (MPA) **, Title : An evolutionary channel for CO-rich and pulsating He-rich subdwarfs === January :=== *__**2022/1/26**__ * **Daniel Kresse (MPA) **, Title : Towards energy saturation in 3D simulations of core-collapse supernova explosions * **Eirini Batziou (MPA) **, Title : Simulations of Accretion Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs to Neutron Stars *__**2022/1/19**__ * **Andrea Chiavassa (MPA) **, Title : The extended atmosphere and circumstellar environment of the cool evolved star VX Sagittarii as seen by MATISSE * **Liliya Imasheva (MPA) **, Title : Nickel production in simulating core-collapse supernovae using thermal bomb approach ++++ ++++ 2021 | === December :=== *__**2021/12/1**__ * **Tom Wagg (Uni. Washington) **, Title : Detecting NS and BH binaries in our Milky way with LISA * **Camilla Clement Borre (Uni. Aarhus) **, Title : Asteroseismology of Stars from Galaxy Mergers === November :=== *__**2021/11/24**__ * **Fabian Menezes (Lagrange Laboratory, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur) **, Title : Trajectories of Coronal Mass Ejections from Solar-type Stars * **Jakub Klencki(ESO) **, Title : Slow and steady: mass transfer from evolved supergiants of low metallicity *__**2021/11/17**__ * **Julia Bodensteiner (ESO) **, Title : Dissecting the core of the SMC clister NGC 330 with MUSE * **Martyna Chruslinska **, Title : What if the IMF is not universal? *__**2021/11/10**__ * **Alejandro Vigna-Gómez (Niels Bohr Institute) **, Title : Fallback supernova from stripped stars as the progenitors of NSBH mergers * **Johan Samsing (Niels Bohr Institute) **, Title : How do binary black holes merge? *__**2021/11/3**__ * **No SESTAS seminar this day ** === October :=== *__**2021/10/27**__ * **Earl Bellinger **, Title : What can asteroseismology do for astrophysics? * **Deepika Bollimpalli **, Title : Role of disc instabilities in the outbursts in symbiotic binaries. *__**2021/10/20**__ * **Stephan Geier (Uni. Potsdam) **, Title : A complete census of hot subluminous stars. *__**2021/10/13**__ * **Taeho Ryu **, Title : The importance of realistic stellar structure and relativity in modelling tidal disruption events. * **Pavan Vynatheya **, Title : Compact object mergers in quadruple star systems. *__**2021/10/6**__ * **Falk Herwig (Uni. Victoria) **, Title : Convection and internal gravity waves in high-resolution 3D hydrodynamic simulations of a 25Msun main-sequence star. ===August and September:=== * __**Summer break**__ === July :=== *__**2021/07/28**__ * **Tamar Faran (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)**, "Shock wave dynamics and breakout in stellar explosions". *__**2021/07/21**__ * **11am CET - Johannes Ringler** . Papers Review (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210704617F/abstract | Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Convective Nuclear Burning In Massive Stars Near Iron Core Collapse]], by C. E. Fields & S. M. Couch 2021, (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210700173M/abstract | Differential Rotation in a 3D Simulation of Oxygen Shell Burning]], by Lucy O. McNeill & Bernhard Müller 2021. * **3pm CET / 9am EST - Maryam Modjaz (Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU)**, "Stellar Forensics with the Most Powerful Explosions in the Universe". *__**2021/07/14**__ * No meeting *__**2021/07/07**__ * **Felix Ahlborn** Paper Review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021NatAs.tmp...80P/abstract | Internal mixing of rotating stars inferred from dipole gravity modes]], Pedersen, M. et al. 2021. === June :=== *__**2021/06/30**__ * **Naveen Yadav** Paper Review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210609909Y/abstract | A three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulation of oxygen-shell burning in the final evolution of a fast-rotating massive star]], Yoshida et al 2021. *__**2021/06/23**__ * **Jakob Ehring** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021PhRvD.103f3001M/abstract | Fast flavor oscillations in dense neutrino media with collisions]], Martin et al. 2021. *__**2021/06/16**__ * **Bryce Remple** Paper Review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.478.4101C/abstract | Uncertainties in s-process nucleosynthesis in low-mass stars determined from Monte Carlo variations ]], Cescutti et al. 2018. *__**2021/06/09**__ * **David R. Aguilera-Dena (Institute of Astrophysics FORTH, University of Crete)** Ongoing research on "The progenitors of stripped-envelope supernovae near and far". *__**2021/06/02**__ * **Holly Preece** Papers Review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210500757B/abstract | On the interaction between fast tides and convection]], Barker & Astoul 2021. (2) [[https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/503/4/5789/6122583 | On a new formulation for energy transfer between convection and fast tides with application to giant planets and solar type stars]],Terquem 2021. === May :=== *__**2021/05/26**__ * **Robert Glas** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.503.4942O/abstract | Magnetorotational core collapse of possible GRB progenitors - III. Three-dimensional models]], Obergaulinger and Aloy. 2021. *__**2021/05/19**__ * **Abel Schootemeijer (Bonn University) ** Ongoing research on "A death of young and bright massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud". *__**2021/05/12**__ * **Benard Nsamba** Ongoing research on "A novel approach to constrain the central hydrogen abundance of 16 Cygni A and B using asteroseismology". *__**2021/05/05**__ * No meeting === April :=== *__**2021/04/28**__ * **Rob Farmer (UvA) ** Ongoing research on "No carbon left behind: Comparison of carbon yields between single massive stars and those stripped in binaries". *__**2021/04/21**__ * **Eva Laplace (UvA) ** "How being single or stripped in a binary system affects the deaths of massive stars", based on the papers: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210205036L/abstract | Different to the core: the pre-supernova structures of massive single and binary-stripped stars]], Laplace et al. 2021, (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210403317V/abstract | Binary-Stripped Stars as Core-Collapse Supernovae Progenitors]], Vartanyan et al. 2021. *__**2021/04/14**__ * No meeting *__**2021/04/07**__ * No meeting === March :=== *__**2021/03/31**__ * **Alexandra Dobrynina (P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University & University of Hamburg) ** Recent work based on the paper: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020PhRvD.101h3003D/abstract | Influence of a magnetic field on beta-processes in supernova matter]], Dobrynina and Ognev. 2020. *__**2021/03/24**__ * **Daniel Kresse ** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.tmp..656P/abstract | The final core collapse of pulsational pair instability supernovae]], Powell et al. 2021. *__**2021/03/17**__ * **Marcelo Miller-Bertolami (Institute of Astrophysics in La Plata)** "Late evolution of low-mass stars: Models and theory " *__**2021/03/10**__ * **Patrick Neunteufel ** “Runaway hot subdwarfs: A predicted remnant population associated with thermonuclear SNe”. Relevant papers: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015Sci...347.1126G/abstract | The fastest unbound star in our Galaxy ejected by a thermonuclear supernova]], Geier et al. 2015, (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020A%26A...641A..52N/abstract | Exploring velocity limits in the thermonuclear supernova ejection scenario for hypervelocity stars and the origin of US 708]], Neunteufel 2020, (3) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021A%26A...646L...8N/abstract| Predicted spatial and velocity distributions of ejected companion stars of helium accretion-induced thermonuclear supernovae]], Neunteufel et al. 2021. *__**2021/03/03**__ * **Felix Ahlborn ** "The treatment of surface effects on oscillation frequencies in evolved stars", based on the papers: (1)[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.478.4697B/abstract | Surface effects on the red giant branch]], Ball et al. 2018. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...898..127O/abstract | Semianalytic Expressions for the Isolation and Coupling of Mixed Modes]], Ong and Basu. 2020. === February :=== *__**2021/02/24**__ * **Christian Sand (HITS) ** Ongoing research on "Common-envelope evolution with an asymptotic giant branch star". *__**2021/02/17**__ * **Ninoy Rahman ** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021ApJ...906..128K/abstract | Impact of a Magnetic Field on Neutrino-Matter Interactions in Core-collapse Supernovae ]], Kuroda 2021. *__**2021/02/10**__ * **Special SESTAS: present your work - Part II ** Speakers: Holly Preece, Daniel Kresse, Liliya Imasheva, Robert Glas, Andrea Chiavassa, Eirini Batziou, Tiara Battich, Felix Ahlborn. *__**2021/02/03**__ * **Special SESTAS: present your work - Part I ** Speakers: Naveen Yadav, Markus Wittkowski, Achim Weiss, Johannes Ringler, Rüdiger Pakmor, Thomas Janka, Adrian Hamers, Jakob Ehring. === January :=== *__**2021/01/27**__ * **Alexandra Kozyreva ** "Betelgeuse: a merger?", based on the papers: (1)[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.465.2654W%2F/abstract | The Betelgeuse Project: constraints from rotation]], Wheeler et al. 2017. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...905..128S%2F/abstract | The Betelgeuse Project. III. Merger Characteristics]], Sullivan et al. 2020. (3) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...902...63J/abstract | Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: New Mass and Distance Estimates for Betelgeuse through Combined Evolutionary, Asteroseismic, and Hydrodynamic Simulations with MESA]], Joyce et al. 2020. (4) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...896...50C/abstract | Is Betelgeuse the Outcome of a Past Merger?]], Chatzopoulos et al. 2020. *__**2021/01/20**__ * No meeting *__**2021/01/13**__ * **Tiara Battich ** Ongoing research on "S-process nucleosynthesis in He-rich hot-subdwarf stars". ++++ ++++ 2020 | === December :=== *__**2020/12/16**__ * **Liliya Imasheva ** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017ApJ...843....2H/abstract | Implications for Post-processing Nucleosynthesis of Core-collapse Supernova Models with Lagrangian Particles ]], Harris et al. 2017. *__**2020/12/09**__ * **Naveen Yadav ** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.497.4644M/abstract | Stochastic core spin-up in massive stars - implications of 3D simulations of oxygen shell burning ]], McNeill and Müller. 2020. *__**2020/12/02**__ * **Johannes Ringler ** Papers review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ApJ...769..109L/abstract | Very low energy supernovae from neutrino mass loss]], Lovegrove and Woosley 2013. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.477.1225C/abstract | A physical model of mass ejection in failed supernovae]], Couglin et al. 2018. (3) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.476.2366F/abstract | Mass ejection in failed supernovae: Variation with stellar progenitor]], Fernández et al. 2018. === November :=== *__**2020/11/25**__ * **Robert Glas ** Paper Review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...896..102K/abstract | Magnetorotational Explosion of a Massive Star Supported by Neutrino Heating in General Relativistic Three-dimensional Simulations ]], Kuroda et al. 2020. *__**2020/11/18**__ * **Andrea Chiavassa ** A Journey across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with 3D hydrodynamical simulations of cool stars. *__**2020/11/11**__ * **Ninoy Rahman ** Paper Review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...894....9F/abstract | Core-collapse Supernova Explosions Driven by the Hadron-quark Phase Transition as a Rare r-process Site]], Fischer et al. 2020. *__**2020/11/04**__ * **Jakob Ehring ** Paper Review (continued):[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200901843P/abstract | Multi-Dimensional Solution of Fast Neutrino Conversions in Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants]], Padilla-Gay et al. 2020. === October :=== *__**2020/10/28**__ * **Jakob Ehring ** Papers review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017PhRvD..96l3015W/abstract | Imprints of neutrino-pair flavor conversions on nucleosynthesis in ejecta from neutron-star merger remnants]], Wu et al. 2017. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200901843P/abstract | Multi-Dimensional Solution of Fast Neutrino Conversions in Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants]], Padilla-Gay et al. 2020. *__**2020/10/21**__ * **Holly Preece ** Ongoing research on "Approximating the Equilibrium Tide”. *__**2020/10/14**__ * **Benard Nsamba ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200909344V/abstract | Examining the Relationship Between Convective Core Overshoot and Stellar Properties Using Asteroseismology]], Viani and Basu 2020. You can find the presentation [[https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~batziou/sestas/SESTAS_BN.pdf | here]]. *__**2020/10/07**__ * **Bryce Remple ** Master thesis: "Age Determinations of Binary Systems Using Machine Learning". == August and September: Summer break. == ===July:=== *__**2020/07/15**__ * **Alexandra Kozyreva ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...895L..45G/abstract | The Value of Progenitor Radius Measurements for Explosion Modeling of Type II-Plateau Supernovae]], Goldberg and Bildsten 2020. *__**2020/07/08**__ * ** Eirini Batziou ** Review on Kilonovae, [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019LRR....23....1M/abstract |Metzger B. 2019.]] *__**2020/07/01**__ * ** Anders Jerkstrand ** How to make a merging white dwarf-red supergiant system that could explain SN 2006gy, spin off project from [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020Sci...367..415J/abstract | A type Ia supernova at the heart of superluminous transient SN 2006gy]], Jerkstrand et al. 2020. * Interesting papers related: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1974ApJ...188..149S/abstract | Supernova: The Result of the Death Spiral of a White Dwarf into a Red Giant]], Sparks and Stecher 1974. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994ApJ...422..729T/abstract | Double-Core Evolution. V. Three-dimensional Effects in the Merger of a Red Giant with a Dwarf Companion]], Terman et al. 1994. (3) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995ApJ...445..367T/abstract | Double Core Evolution. VII. The Infall of a Neutron Star through the Envelope of Its Massive Star Companion]], Terman at al. 1995. (4) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000A%26A...355..236T/abstract. | Formation of the binary pulsars PSR B2303+46 and PSR J1141-6545. Young neutron stars with old white dwarf companions]], Tauris and Sennets 2000. ===June:=== *__**2020/06/24**__ * **Georg Stockinger ** Paper Review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.tmp.1836S/abstract | Three-dimensional Models of Core-collapse Supernovae From Low-mass Progenitors With Implications for Crab]] Stockinger et al. 2020. *__**2020/06/17**__ * **Daniel Kresse ** Paper Review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.495.3751C/abstract | The impact of fallback on the compact remnants and chemical yields of core-collapse supernovae ]] Chan, Müller and Heger 2020. *__**2020/06/10**__ * **Lionel Siess (Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, Université libre de Bruxelles) ** Super AGB-Stars. Find the slides of the talk [[https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~batziou/LionelSiess_SESTAS_10062020.pdf | here]]. *__**2020/06/03**__ * **Dietrich Baade (ESO) ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020A%26A...637L...3R/abstract | A naked-eye triple system with a non-accreting black hole in the inner binary]] , Rivinius Th., Baade D., Hadrava P., Heida M. ,Klement R. 2020. ===May:=== *__**2020/05/27**__ * **Patrick Neunteufel ** Paper review: [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...895...29M/abstract |Pre-common-envelope Mass Loss from Coalescing Binary Systems]] MacLeod and Loeb 2020. *__**2020/05/20**__ * **Liliya Imasheva ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019JPhG...46h4002F/abstract | Nucleosynthesis for SN 1987A from single-star and binary-merger progenitors]] Fröhlich et al. 2019. *__**2020/05/13**__ * **Stefan Taubenberger ** Papers review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200314340F/abstract| Observing the earliest moments of supernovae using strong gravitational lenses ]] Foxley-Marrable, et al. 2020. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200208378S/abstract| HOLISMOKES -- I. Highly Optimised Lensing Investigations of Supernovae, Microlensing Objects, and Kinematics of Ellipticals and Spirals ]] Suyu et al. 2020. *__**2020/05/06**__ * **Johannes Ringler ** Paper review:[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200411389S/abstract | Lifting the core-collapse supernova bounds on keV-mass sterile neutrinos]] Suliga et al. 2020. ===April:=== *__**2020/04/29**__ * **Felix Ahlborn ** Papers review: (1) [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014A%26A...564A..27D/abstract | Seismic constraints on the radial dependence of the internal rotation profiles of six Kepler subgiants and young red giants]], Deheuvels et al. 2014. (2) [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019A%26A...631L...6E/abstract | Asteroseismology of evolved stars to constrain the internal transport of angular momentum. II. Test of a revised prescription for transport by the Tayler instability]], Eggenberger et al. 2019. *__**2020/04/22**__ * **Naveen Yadav ** Paper review:[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200204595L/abstract | Precessing flaring magnetar as a source of repeating FRB 180916.J0158+65]] Levin et al. 2020. *__**2020/04/08**__ * **Eirini Batziou ** Paper review:[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200306662R/abstract | Magnetar formation through a convective dynamo in protoneutron stars]] Raynaud et al. 2020. *__**2020/04/01**__ * **Eirini Batziou ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019Natur.574..211S/abstract | Stellar mergers as the origin of magnetic massive stars]] Schneider et al. 2019. ===March:=== *__**2020/03/10**__ * ** Ninoy Rahman ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019PhRvL.123e1102T/abstract | Universal Relations for Gravitational-Wave Asteroseismology of Protoneutron Stars ]] Torres-Forné et. al. 2019. *__**2020/03/04**__ * ** Annop Wongwathanarat ** Papers review: (1) [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020ApJ...888..111O/abstract | Matter Mixing in Aspherical Core-collapse Supernovae: Three-dimensional Simulations with Single-star and Binary Merger Progenitor Models for SN 1987A]], Masaomi et al. 2020. (2) [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019arXiv191203070O/abstract | Hydrodynamic simulations unravel the progenitor-supernova-remnant connection in SN 1987]], Orlando et al. 2019. ===February:=== *__**2020/02/26**__ * ** Robert Glas ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200110434S/abstract | Equation of State and Progenitor Dependence of Stellar-Mass Black-Hole Formation ]] Schneider et al. 2020. *__**2020/02/19**__ * ** Jakob Ehring ** Papers review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015ApJ...812..143M/abstract | Pulsar J0453+1559: A Double Neutron Star System with a Large Mass Asymmetry]] Martinez et al. 2015. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.481.3305S/abstract |On the minimum mass of neutron stars ]] Suwa et al. 2018. (3) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...884....9L/abstract | Accretion-induced Collapse of Dark Matter Admixed White Dwarfs. I. Formation of Low-mass Neutron Stars]] Leung et al. 2019. (4) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...886L..20T/abstract | J0453+1559: A Neutron Star─White Dwarf Binary from a Thermonuclear Electron-capture Supernova?]] Tauris & Janka 2019. *__**2020/02/12**__ * **Adrian Hammers** Papers review: (1) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...872..119H/abstract | An Analytic Model for Mass Transfer in Binaries with Arbitrary Eccentricity, with Applications to Triple-star Systems]] Hamers & Dosopoulou 2019. (2) [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...882...24H/abstract | The Impact of White Dwarf Natal Kicks and Stellar Flybys on the Rates of Type Ia Supernovae in Triple-star Systems ]] Hamers & Thompson 2019. (3) [[ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...883...23H/abstract| Double Neutron Star Mergers from Hierarchical Triple-star Systems ]] Hamers & Thompson 2019b. *__**2020/02/05**__ * ** Jakob Ehring ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008PhRvD..77b3006K/abstract | WIMP annihilation and cooling of neutron stars]] Kouvaris 2008 and [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...884....9L/abstract | Accretion-induced Collapse of Dark Matter Admixed White Dwarfs. I. Formation of Low-mass Neutron Stars]] Leung et al. 2019. ===January:=== *__**2020/01/29**__ * ** Daniel Kresse ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200101761T/abstract | GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ∼3.4 M_sun]] (LSC et al. 2020), [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200104474K/abstract | On the possibility of GW190425 being a black hole--neutron star binary merger]] (Kyutoku et al. 2020) *__**2020/01/22**__ * ** Alexandra Kozyreva ** Paper review: [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ...886...51C/abstract | High Angular Resolution ALMA Images of Dust and Molecules in the SN 1987A Ejecta]] Cigan et al. 2019 * __**2020/01/15**__ * **Achim Weiss ** nu Indi and Gaia-Enceladus: when did the impact of a massive companion galaxy happen? ++++ ++++ 2019 | ===DECEMBER:=== * __**2019/12/18**__ * **Felix Ahlborn** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...609A..51W/abstract | Turbulent transport coefficients in spherical wedgedynamo simulations of solar-like stars]] Warnecke et al. 2019 * __**2019/12/11**__ * **Liliya Imasheva** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.483.3607S/abstract | Importance of 56Ni production on diagnosing explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernova]] Suwa et al. 2019 * __**2019/12/04**__ * **Ninoy Rahman** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.486.2238A/abstract | Gravitational waves from 3D core-collapse supernova models: The impact of moderate progenitor rotation.]] (Andresen et. al. 2019), [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.487.1178P/abstract | Gravitational wave emission from 3D explosion models of core-collapse supernovae with low and normal explosion energies.]] (Powell and Mueller 2019) ===NOVEMBER:=== * __**2019/11/27**__ * **Isabelle Baraffe** (Exeter); Fully compressible time implicit hydrodynamic simulations of convective boundary mixing in stars * __**2019/11/20**__ * **Johannes Ringler** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06972 | Nucleosynthesis Constraints on The Energy Growth Timescale of a Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion]] (Sawada & Maeda 2019) * __**2019/11/06**__ * **Eirini Batziou** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019arXiv191007599G/abstract|Wave heating from proto-neutron star convection and the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism]] (Gossan et al., 2019) ===OCTOBER:=== * __**2019/10/30**__ * **Naveen Yadav** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.487.5304M/abstract|A critical assessment of turbulence models for 1D core-collapse supernova simulations]] (B. Mueller, 2019) * __**2019/10/16**__ * **George Angelou** Discussion //"Surveys of extremely metal-poor stars, Seismology Snippets, and Recent work on Type 1a supernova."// * __**2019/10/02**__ * **Annop Wongwathanarat** Paper review [[https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aad33a|Parallelized Solution Method of the Three-dimensional Gravitational Potential on the Yin–Yang Grid]] (Almanstötter et al., 2018), [[https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab1263|A Generalized Solution for Parallelized Computation of the Three-dimensional Gravitational Potential on a Multipatch Grid in Spherical Geometry]] (Wongwathanarat, 2019) ===SEPTEMBER:=== * __**2019/09/25**__ * **Thomas Ertl** Paper review //"The explosion of Helium stars evolved with mass loss"// ===AUGUST:=== * __**Summer break**__ ===JULY:=== * __**2019/07/25**__ (Thursday!) * **Patrick Cheong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)** //"Multigrid methods for solving Einstein field equations and general-relativistic hydrodynamics simulations"// * __**2019/07/17**__ * **Daniel Kresse** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01699|Resolution Study for Three-dimensional Supernova Simulations with the Prometheus-Vertex Code]] (Melson & Janka, 2019) * __**2019/07/10**__ * **Andreas Joergensen, Hans Higl and Naveen Yadav** Conference summary II //"[[https://sites.google.com/view/stellarhydrodays/home|Stellar Hydro Days V]]"// in Exeter, UK, June 24-28, 2019 * __**2019/07/03**__ * **Andreas Joergensen, Hans Higl and Naveen Yadav** Conference summary //"[[https://sites.google.com/view/stellarhydrodays/home|Stellar Hydro Days V]]"// in Exeter, UK, June 24-28, 2019 ===JUNE:=== * __**2019/06/26**__ * **Annop Wongwathanarat** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.07811|One-, Two-, and Three-dimensional Simulations of Oxygen Shell Burning Just Before the Core-Collapse of Massive Stars]] (Yoshida et al., 2019) * __**2019/06/19**__ * **Anders Jerkstrand** Conference summary //"Debate on the Red Supergiant Problem"// at the [[http://astro.physics.ncsu.edu/~FOE/index.html|Fifty One Erg Conference]] in Raleigh, USA, May 20-24, 2019. * __**2019/06/12**__ * **Sasha Kozyreva** Paper review [[https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6471/aadeae/meta|Global comparison of core-collapse supernova simulations in spherical symmetry]] (O'Connor et al., 2018) * __**2019/06/05**__ * **Robert Glas** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.09407|Discovery of exceptionally strong nuclear transition sheds new light on the fate of intermediate-mass stars]] (Kirsebom et al. 2019) ===MAY:=== * __**2019/05/29**__ * **Robert Andrassy(HITS)** //"3D convection in massive stars"// * __**2019/05/22**__ * **Felix Ahlborn** Discussion about //"Reynolds stress models"// and paper review [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.03964.pdf|Applications of the k-ω Model in Stellar Evolutionary Models]] (Li 2017) * __**2019/05/15**__ * **Ninoy Rahman** Paper review [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-018-0583-0|Quark deconfinement as a supernova explosion engine for massive blue supergiant stars]] (Fischer et al. 2018) * __**2019/05/08**__ * **Eirini Batziou & Liliya Imasheva** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.09114|Inferring Explosion Properties from Type II-Plateau Supernova Light Curves]] (Goldberg et al. 2019), [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04840|The difficulty of inferring progenitor masses from Type II-Plateau supernova light curves]] (Dessart & Hillier, 2019) * __**2019/05/01**__ * **NO MEETING** (Holiday) ===APRIL:=== * __**2019/04/24**__ * **Richard Anderson (ESO)** //"New Light on Standard Candles: Testing Hubble Tension using High-precision Observations of Cepheid Variable Stars"// * __**2019/04/17**__ * **Hans Higl** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.09392|Three-Dimensional Simulations of Massive Stars: I. Wave Generation and Propagation]] (Edelmann et al., 2019) * __**2019/04/10**__ * **Remi Kazeroni** //"Ongoing work on hydrodynamical instabilities in core-collaspe simulations"// * __**2019/04/03**__ * **George Angelou** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04293|Constraining transport of angular momentum in stars: Combining asteroseismic observations of core helium burning stars and white dwarfs]] (den Hartogh et al. 2019) ===MARCH:=== * __**2019/03/27**__ * **NO MEETING** (Ringberg workshop) * __**2019/03/20**__ * **Kei Kotake (Fukuoka University)** // "New results from Kei Kotake and collaborators" // * __**2019/03/13**__ * **Thomas Ertl** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.11083|Three-dimensional mixing and light curves: constraints on the progenitor of supernova 1987A]] (Utrobin et al. 2018) * __**2019/03/06**__ * **Jakob Ehring** Master thesis: // "Accretion Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs" // ===FEBRUARY:=== * __**2019/02/27**__ * **Mehmet Sag** Master thesis: // "Tracer Particles in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations" // * __**2019/02/20**__ * **Naveen Yadav** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu//#abs/2018ApJ...858L..24I|On the Use of Hydrogen Recombination Energy during Common Envelope Events]] (Ivanova 2018) * __**2019/02/13**__ * **Daniel Kresse** Paper review [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019arXiv190100215W|The Evolution of Massive Helium Stars Including Mass Loss]] (Woosley 2019) * __**2019/02/06**__ * **Johannes Ringler** ===JANUARY:=== * __**2019/01/30**__ * **Alexandra Kozyreva** // "Some details in Supernova light curve modelling" // * __**2019/01/23**__ * **Hans-G. Ludwig (Heidelberg)** // "Multi-d atmospheres for Cepheids" // * __**2019/01/16**__ * **Robert Glas** // "Binary neutron star mergers" // References: [[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aa6483/meta|General-relativistic Large-eddy Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers]] (Radice 2017), [[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aaf053/meta|Viscous-dynamical Ejecta from Binary Neutron Star Mergers]] (Radice et al. 2018), [[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aaf054/meta|Binary Neutron Star Mergers: Mass Ejection, Electromagnetic Counterparts, and Nucleosynthesis]] (Radice et al. 2018). ++++ ++++ 2018 | ===DECEMBER:=== * __**2018/12/12**__ * **Ricard Ardevol** Paper review [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.05483|Three-Dimensional Simulations of Neutrino-Driven Core-Collapse Supernovae from Low-Mass Single and Binary Star Progenitors]] (B. Mueller et al. 2018) * __**2018/12/05**__ * **Georg Stockinger** Paper review [[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/arXiv:1811.04087|The surface abundances of Red Supergiants at core-collapse]] (Davies & Dessart 2018) ===NOVEMBER:=== * __**2018/11/28**__ * **Michael Gabler** Summary of the [[https://www.uv.es/cerdupa/COCONUT/Saclay2018/program.html|CoCoNut meeting 2018]] * __**2018/11/21**__ * **Andreas Joergensen** // "Asteroseismology" // References: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018arXiv181007205B|The robustness of asteroseismic estimates of global stellar parameters to surface term corrections]] (Basu & Kinnane 2018), [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.481.4389J|Addressing the acoustic tachocline anomaly and the lithium depletion problem at the same time]] (Joergensen & Weiss 2018), [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.478.5650M|Stellar models with calibrated convection and temperature stratification from 3D hydrodynamics simulations]] (Mosumgaard et al. 2018) * __**2018/11/14**__ * **Tobias Melson** // "Introduction to LESA, found in CCSN simulations" // Reference: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10150|Effects of LESA in Three-Dimensional Supernova Simulations with Multi-Dimensional and Ray-by-Ray-plus Neutrino Transport]] (Glas et al. 2018) * __**2018/11/07**__ * **Annop Wongwathanarat** Paper review [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017ApJ...844....1K|Evolution of a Pulsar Wind Nebula within a Composite Supernova Remnant]] (Kolb, Blondin, Slane, and Temim (2017), ApJ 844) ===OCTOBER:=== * __**2018/10/31**__ * **Brian Chaboyer** // "Gaia DR2 Parallaxes and Metal-Poor Stars" // * __**2018/10/24**__ * **Achim Weiss** // "Stellar masses from surface abundances?" // * __**2018/10/17**__ * **Remi Kazeroni** // "3D simulations of CCSNe" // References: [[http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/2018ApJ...865...81O|Exploring Fundamentally Three-dimensional Phenomena in High-fidelity Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae]] (O'Connor & Couch 2018), [[http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/doi/10.1093/mnras/sty2585|A Successful 3D Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Model]] (Vartanyan et al. 2018) * __**2018/10/10**__ * **Anders Jerkstrand** Discussion on common envelope evolution and the production of close binary systems. Reference: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000ARA&A..38..113T|Common Envelope Evolution of Massive Binary Stars]] (Taam & Sandquist 2000) ===SEPTEMBER:=== * __**Summer break**__ ===AUGUST:=== * __**Summer break**__ ===JULY:=== * __**2018/07/25**__ * **Chiaki Kobayashi (Univ. of Hertfordshire) ** Seminar talk: //"Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way for constraining hypernovae and kilonovae" // * __**2018/07/18**__ * **Johann Higl ** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...614A.128P|The shape of convective core overshooting from gravity-mode period spacings]] (Pedersen et al. 2018) * __**2018/07/11**__ * **PhD defence of Ricard Ardevol ** * __**2018/07/04**__ * **NO MEETING ** ===JUNE:=== * __**2018/06/27**__ * **Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria) ** //"i-process nucleosynthesis on rapidly-accreting white dwarfs"// * __**2018/06/20**__ * **Daniel Kresse ** //"Ongoing work on the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB)"// * __**2018/06/13**__ * **Rob Izzard (Univ. of Surrey) ** Seminar talk: //"Circumbinary discs around post-AGB stars"// * __**2018/06/06**__ * **Haakon Andresen ** //"Ongoing project with LIGO-VIRGO"// ===MAY:=== * __**2018/05/30**__ * **Ricard Ardevol ** //Improved leakage-equilibration-absorption scheme (ILEAS) for neutrino physics in compact object mergers. // Summary of recent work * __**2018/05/23**__ * **Anna Rosen (Harvard CfA) ** Seminar talk: //"The Destructive Birth of Massive Stars and Massive Star Clusters" // * __**2018/05/16**__ * **Thomas Ertl ** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.476.5502T|High-entropy ejections from magnetized proto-neutron star winds: implications for heavy element nucleosynthesis]] (Thompson & ud-Doula 2018) * __**2018/05/09**__ * **Ninoy Rahman ** Paper review: [[http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/2017PhRvD..96l3015W|Imprints of neutrino-pair flavor conversions on nucleosynthesis in ejecta from neutron-star merger remnants]] (Wu et al. 2017) * __**2018/05/02**__ * **George Angelou ** //"Ongoing work with machine learning algorithms"// ===APRIL:=== * __**2018/04/25**__ * **Tamara Rogers (Newcastle) ** //"Internal Gravity Waves in Massive Stars"// * __**2018/04/18**__ * **Remi Kazeroni ** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.03388|Multi-D Simulations of Ultra-Stripped Supernovae to Shock Breakout]] (Mueller et al. 2018) * __**2018/04/11**__ * **Naveen Yadav ** //"Understanding the nature of convection and burning in the pre-supernova model for a 18.88 solar mass progenitor"//. Summary of recent work * __**2018/04/04**__ * **Michael Gabler ** //"Tidal deformability of neutron stars related to the GW170817 event"//. Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08813|Estimating the EOS from the measurement of NS radii with 5% accuracy]] (Sieniawska et al. 2018); [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.07687|Tidal deformability from GW170817 as a direct probe of the neutron star radius]] (Raithel et al. 2018) ===MARCH:=== * __**2018/03/28**__ * **Graham Wagstaff ** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05208|Seismic probing of the first dredge-up event through the eccentric red-giant & red-giant spectroscopic binary KIC9163796]] (Beck et al. 2018) * __**2018/03/21**__ * **Haakon Andresen ** Paper review: [[https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25136.pdf|A large oxygen-dominated core from the seismic cartography of a pulsating white dwarf]] (Giammichele et al. 2018) * __**2018/03/14**__ * **Georg Stockinger ** //"Wave-driven mass loss"// [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.423L..92Q|Wave-driven mass loss in the last year of stellar evolution: setting the stage for the most luminous core-collapse supernovae]] (Quataert & Shiode 2012); [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.470.1642F|Pre-supernova outbursts via wave heating in massive stars - I. Red supergiants]] (Fuller 2017); [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?arXiv:1710.04251|Pre-supernova outbursts via wave heating in massive stars - II. Hydrogen-poor stars]] (Fuller & Ro 2018) * __**2018/03/07**__ * **Robert Glas ** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?arXiv:1710.01735|Mass ejection in failed supernovae: variation with stellar progenitor]] (Fernandez+ 2018) ===FEBRUARY:=== * __**2018/02/28**__ * **Henk Spruit ** //"The formation of (very) slowly rotating stars"// * __**2018/02/21**__ * **Johann Higl ** //"The peculiar binary system TZ For"// * __**2018/02/14**__ * **Tobias Melson ** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01304|The progenitor dependence of Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernovae]] (Ott+ 2018) * __**2018/02/07**__ * **Annop Wongwathanarat ** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.08148|Revival of the Fittest: Exploding Core-Collapse Supernovae from 12 to 25 Msol]] (Vartanyan+ 2018) ===JANUARY:=== * __**2018/01/31**__ * **Andreas Joergensen ** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017A%26A...597A..30A|Galactic Archaeology with asteroseismology and spectroscopy: Red giants observed by CoRot and APOGEE]] (Anders+ 2017) * __**2018/01/24**__ * **NO MEETING** * __**2018/01/17**__ * **Postdoc talk: Anders Jerkstrand:** //Spectral modelling of supernovae: determining the origin of the elements// ++++ ++++ 2017 | ===DECEMBER:=== * __**2017/12/06**__ * **Thomas Ertl :** //"Linking supernova and neutron star properties"// ===NOVEMBER:=== * __**2017/11/29**__ * **Ninoy Rahman :** Summary of recent work. Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00838|Black hole formation and fallback during the supernova explosion of a 40Msolar star]] (Chan+ 2017) * __**2017/11/22**__ * **George Angelou :** //"On the origin of lithium rich giants"// * __**2017/11/15**__ * **Georg Stockinger:** Summary of recent work * **Achim Weiss:** Summary of the IAU Symposium //"Rediscovering our Galaxy"// * __**2017/11/08**__ * **Naveen Yadav:** Summary of recent work * **Haakon Andresen:** Summary of the IAU Symposium //"Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"// ===OCTOBER:=== * __**2017/10/25**__ * **NO MEETING (workshops at MPA)** * __**2017/10/18**__ * **Michael Gabler:** Summary of recent work * **Johann Higl:** Summary of recent work * __**2017/10/11**__ * **Remi Kazeroni:** Summary of recent work * **Graham Wagstaff:** Summary of recent work * __**2017/10/04**__ * **Annop Wongwathanarat:** Summary of recent work * **Matteo Bugli:** Summary of recent work ===SEPTEMBER:=== * __**2017/09/06**__ * **Giovanni Mirouh:** //"Structure and pulsations of 2-dimensional rotating stellar models"// ===AUGUST:=== --- **BREAK FOR SUMMER IN AUGUST** --- ===JULY:=== * __**2017/07/26**__ * **NO MEETING (RINGBERG SN CONFERENCE)** * __**2017/07/19**__ * **Johann Higl:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04852|Extreme value statistics for two-dimensional convective penetration in a pre-Main Sequence star]] (Pratt+ 2017) * __**2017/07/12**__ * **Andreas Joergensen*:** Paper reviews: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.6807|The Sun and Stars: Giving light to dark matter]] (Casanellas & Lopes 2014) & [[https://arxiv.org/abs/0809.1871|Dark stars at the Galactic centre - the main sequence]] (Scott+ 2009) * __**2017/07/05**__ * **John Lattanzio (Monash)*:** [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.469.4600H|A phenomenological modification of thermohaline mixing in globular cluster red giants]] ===JUNE:=== * __**2017/06/28**__ * **Thomas Ertl & Remi Kazeroni*:** Conference review: [[http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/~lazzatid/FOE2017/|Fifty-one Ergs]] * __**2017/06/21**__ * **Thomas Ertl*:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04630|Muon Creation in Supernova Matter Facilitates Neutrino-driven Explosions]] (Bollig+ 2017) * **Remi Kazeroni*:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.00620|Supernova Simulations from a 3D Progenitor Model -- Impact of Perturbations and Evolution of Explosion Properties]] (Müller et al. 2017) * __**2017/06/14**__ * **Lionel Siess*:** //"The binary channels to ECSN"// * __**2017/06/07**__ * **Graham Wagstaff*:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01164|The Correlation Between Mixing Length and Metallicity on the Giant Branch: Implications for Ages in the Gaia Era]] (Tayar+ 2017) ===MAY:=== * __**2017/05/31**__ * **Haakon Andresen*:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.07906|Rotation and Magnetism of Massive Stellar Cores]] (Kissin & Thomson 2017) * __**2017/05/24**__ * **NO MEETING - MPA Hike** * __**2017/05/17**__ * **Simon Campbell:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.05173|3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of Carbon Burning in Massive Stars]] (Cristini+ 2016) * __**2017/05/10**__ * **NO MEETING** * __**2017/05/03**__ * **Henk Spruit:** //"Three recent papers on chondrules"// ===APRIL:=== * __**2017/04/26**__ * **Matteo Bugli:** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017arXiv170309893O|Protomagnetar and black hole formation in high-mass stars]] (Obergaulinger & Ángel Aloy, 2017) * __**2017/04/19**__ * **Anders Jerkstrand:** Paper Review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017arXiv170304918M|The quest for blue supergiants: binary merger models for the evolution of the progenitor of SN 1987A]] (Menon & Heger, 2017) * __**2017/04/12**__ * **Achim Weiss:** //"Particle physics, cosmic distances, H_0 -- what is the brightness of the RGB tip?"// * __**2017/04/05**__ * **Hans Higl:** //"Low-Mach-Number Simulations of Hydrogen Burning under the Presence of Internal Gravity Waves"// ===MARCH:=== * __**2017/03/29**__ * **Ewald Mueller:** //Double neutron star binaries and GR// * __**2017/03/22**__ * **Ninoy Rahman:** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017ApJ...836..244W|Pulsational Pair-instability Supernovae]] (Woosley 2017) * __**2017/03/15**__ * **Remi Kazeroni:** //"The development of neutrino-driven convection in core-collapse supernovae: 2D vs 3D"// * __**2017/03/08**__ * **Andreas Joergensen:** Paper Review: [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.4932.pdf |How realistic are solar model atmospheres?]] (Pereira, et al. 2013) * __**2017/03/01**__ * **NO MEETING (All IMPRS Students away + 3 Postdocs away at least)** ===FEBRUARY:=== * __**2017/02/22**__ * **NO MEETING (Reunion SN conference)** * __**2017/02/15**__ * **Jerome Guilet:** //(Towards) numerical simulations of MRI dynamo in spherical geometry// * __**2017/02/08**__ * **Michael Gabler: ** //"Binaries and dust in young supernova remnants"// * __**2017/02/01 [LARGE SEMINAR ROOM]**__ * **Postdoc talk #3: Domenico Meduri: ** //Non-axisymmetric magnetorotational instability in the spherical Couette system// ==JANUARY:== * __**2017/01/25**__ * * **Thomas Ertl:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.05643|Production and Distribution of 44Ti and 56Ni in a Three-dimensional Supernova Model Resembling Cassiopeia A]] * __**2017/01/18**__ * **Haakon Andresen:** //Report on the 2016 CoCoNuT Meeting// * __**2017/01/11 [LARGE SEMINAR ROOM]**__ * **Postdoc talk #2: Christian Ritter:** //Results from a NuGrid project: stellar yields across all metallicities and stellar masses// * **Postdoc talk #1: George Angelou:** //Stellar Parameters in an Instant with Machine Learning// * __**2017/01/04**__ * **NO MEETING** ++++ ++++ 2016 | ==DECEMBER:== * __**2016/12/14 [Meeting - Last for 2016]**__ * **Simon Campbell*:** //The mystery (or not) of the missing AGB stars: 1D modelling of giant stars & a foray into spectroscopic observations// * __**2016/12/07 [Meeting]**__ * **Graham Wagstaff*:** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016MNRAS.456.3655M|"Red giant masses and ages derived from carbon and nitrogen abundances"]] ==NOVEMBER:== * __**2016/11/30 [Meeting - Cancelled]**__ * __**2016/11/23 [Meeting]**__ * **Jia Shi*:** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016MNRAS.463.4516P| * __**2016/11/16 [Meeting]**__ * **Anders Jerkstrand*:** //Modelling supernova spectra: what can we learn from MZAMS=8-12 Msun models?// * __**2016/11/09 [Meeting]**__ * **Matteo Bugli*:** //PPI vs. MRI in accretion tori: the winner is...// * __**2016/11/02 [Meeting]**__ * **Henk Spruit*:** //(Very) Slowly rotating stars// ==OCTOBER:== * __**2016/10/26**__ * **NO MEETING (MPA outing)** * __**2016/10/19 [Meeting]**__ * **Matteo Bugli:** //The LRZ code development support program// * **Jerome Guilet*:** Paper review: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.02721|"Magnetic cycles in a dynamo simulation of fully convective M-star Proxima Centauri"]] * __**2016/10/12 [Meeting DIFFERENT ROOM: 401?]**__ * **Ewald Mueller*:** Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?arXiv:1602.05771|"Do electron-capture supernovae make neutron stars?"]] * __**2016/10/05 [Ewald & Achim away]**__ * **NO MEETING** ==SEPTEMBER:== * __**2016/09/28 [Meeting]**__ * **Vincent Prat (CEA-Saclay) + Michael Gabler (MPA):** //Waves in Magnetars// * __**2016/09/21 [Meeting]**__ * **Ninoy Rahman:** Paper Review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016arXiv160501393M|"The last minutes of oxygen shell burning in a massive star."]] * __**2016/09/14 [NO MEETING]**__ * MIAPP SNe Conference this week. * __**2016/09/07 [Meeting]**__ * **Haakon Andresen:** //Rotational mixing in massive binary systems.// * **Johann Higl:** //The extent and modeling of convective cores in low-mass stars, focusing on a paper by the Kepler group.// ==AUGUST:== * __**2016/08/31 [Meeting]**__ * Discussion with Miguel-Angel Aloy (Valencia) * **Break for Summer** ==JULY:== * __**2016/07/27**__ * **MASTER SEMINAR - Christian Vogl (MPA):** //Distance Determinations of Type IIP Supernovae and Ho// * __**2016/07/20**__ * **VISITOR SEMINAR - Prof. Alexander Heger (Monash)** * __**2016/07/13**__ * **VISITOR SEMINAR - Dr. Amanda Karakas (Monash)** * __**2016/07/06**__ * **MEETING - Prof. Brian Chaboyer (Dartmouth):** //The Evolution of Lower Mass Metal-Poor Stars// ==JUNE:== * __**2016/06/29**__ * **No Meeting/Seminar (MPA Visiting Committee week)** * __**2016/06/22**__ * **MEETING - Ben MacLean (Monash):** //On the missing AGB stars in Globular Clusters// * __**2016/06/15**__ * **VISITOR SEMINAR - Dr. Gaitee Hussain (ESO): ** //Stellar magnetic fields on the pre-main sequence // * __**2016/06/08**__ (Achim away) * **VISITOR SEMINAR - Prof. Feryal Özel (U. Arizona):** //A New Era of Compact Objects// * __**2016/06/01**__ * **MEETING - Achim Weiss:** //New details about the Galactic stellar populations// ==MAY:== * __**2016/05/25**__ *//**Michael Gabler:**// Long-term supernova simulations: from shock revival to shock break out and beyond. * __**2016/05/18**__ *//**Graham Wagstaff:**// Paper Review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016A%26A...589A.130L|Dust-driven winds of AGB stars]] (Liljegren et al.) *//**Nimoy Rahman:**// Paper Review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015MNRAS.453..287M|The dynamics of neutrino-driven supernova explosions after shock revival in 2D and 3D]] (Müller, B.) * __**2016/05/11**__ * //**Ewald Mueller:**// Paper Review: [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v532/n7597/abs/532040a.html|Supernovae in the neighbourhood]] (Melott) * __**2016/05/04**__ *//**Thomas Ertl:**// Paper review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015ApJ...808L..21C|The Three-dimensional Evolution to Core Collapse of a Massive Star]] (Couch et al.) *//**Matteo Bugli:**// Paper Review: [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016A%26A...589A..87B |Self-organisation in protoplanetary discs. Global, non-stratified Hall-MHD simulations]] (Béthune et al.) ==APRIL:== * **2016/04/27** //Shi Jia:// Paper Review: [[http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2015/12/aa26917-15.pdf | Accretion of planetary matter and the lithium problem in the 16 Cygni stellar system]] * **2016/04/20** "Who cares about carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars?" (Seminar) // Carlo Abate (AIfA, Uni Bonn) // * **2016/04/13** "The discovery of an asteroseismic binary from the Kepler collaboration" // Hans Higl (MPA) // * **2016/04/06** [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015A%26A...575A.106JJ|Three-dimensional evolution of magnetic fields in a differentially rotating stellar radiative zone]] & [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015ApJ...799...85W | The Role of the Magnetorotational Instability in Massive Stars]] //Jérôme // * **2016/03/30** NO MEETING * **2016/03/23** Cluster Seminar //Aldo Serenelli// * **2016/03/16** NO MEETING * **2016/03/09** NO MEETING * **2016/03/2** [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-data_query?bibcode=2015ApJ...815L..30R&db_key=AST&link_type=ARTICLE|On the Differential rotation of massive main-sequence stars]] //Henk // * **2016/02/24** Informal discussion //Achim // * **2016/02/17** [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.01338 | Detecting the Supernova Breakout Burst in Terrestrial Neutrino Detectors ]] & [[ http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102 | Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger ]] // Haakon // * **2016/02/10**Members present current interest/activities/problem(continued) // // * **2016/02/03**Members present current interest/activities/problem // // * **2016/01/27(b)** Magnetic field amplification in proto-neutron stars // Jerome Guilet // * **2016/01/27(a)** Exploring a new route towards merging massive black holes // Pablo Marchant // and * **2016/01/20(b)** The impact of hydrodynamic instabilities on core-collapse supernovae(talk) // Hosseini Kazeroni // * **2016/01/20(a)** The impact of differential rotation on gravito-inertial modes in massive stars(talk) //Giovanni Mirouh // * **2016/01/13** Hydrodynamics of the common envelope phase in binary stars (talk) // Sebastian Ohlmann // ++++ ++++ 2015 | * **2015/12/09 ** {{:talks:zwliu_2015_12_09.pdf | Some constraints on the single-degenerate scenario of type Ia supernovae (talk)}} // Zhengwei Liu // * **2015/12/02(b)** The role of mass transfer in CNO surface abundances of massive stars (talk) // Pablo Marchant // * **2015/12/02(a)** Evolution of very massive stars near the Eddington limit (talk) // Debashis Sanyal // * **2015/11/25(b) ** [[http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6259/423.short | Asteroseismology can reveal strong internal magnetic fields in red giant stars]] // Maxime // * **2015/11/25(a)** Report from the COCONUT meeting // Matteo // * **2015/11/18** Constraint on the neutrino magnetic dipole moment and axion-electron coupling constant ... (talk) // Santiago Arceo Diaz // * **2015/11/11** {{talks:simon-sestas-11nov15.pdf| Constraining Core Helium Burning models(low-mass, ~1 Msun) using Asteroseismology and Globular cluster observations.}} // Simon // core helium burning }} // Marcelo// evolution and nucleosynthesis in massive stars: evolution to the end of * **2015/11/04** {{:talks:jones2015.pdf | Code dependencies of pre-supernova Asteroseismology, exoplanets, and Galactic archaeology: intriguing matches along the (milky) way}} // Victor Silva Aguirre // * **2015/07/15** {{:talks:vsampa.pdf | * **2015/07/02** How massive stars die part two (Talk) // Stan Woosley // * **2015/07/01** How massive stars die (Talk) // Stan Woosley // * **2015/04/22** {{:talks:gsestas.pdf | Thorne–Żytkow objects}} // Graham // * **2015/04/15** {{:talks:haakon.pdf | Gravitational waves in core collapse supernovae }} // Haakon // * **2015/04/08** // No meeting // * **2015/04/01** // No meeting // * **2015/03/25** {{:talks:halabi_25-march-2015.pdf | Burning Questions in Stellar Evolution}} // Ghina Halabi // * **2015/03/18** // No meeting // * **2015/03/11** // No meeting // * **2015/03/04** // No meeting // * **2015/02/25** Removing the mixing-length parameter from MLT (Talk) // Stefano Pasetto // * **2015/02/18** // No meeting // * **2015/02/11** A star's Wintercoat (Discussion) // Regner Trampedacy (Boulder) // * **2015/02/4** A star's Wintercoat - or why the very thin surface layers matter (Talk) // Regner Trampedacy (Boulder) // * **2015/01/28** [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.01237 | Anelastic Versus Fully Compressible Turbulent Convection]] // Maxime // * **2015/01/21** // No meeting // * **2015/01/14** // // * **2015/01/7** // // ++++ ++++ 2014 | * **2014/12/17** // // * **2014/12/10** Solar neutrinos // Aldo Serenelli // * **2014/12/03** Reality Check: Gauging the Star-formation Efficiency with Realistic Synthetic Observations (talk) // Christine Koepferl // * **2014/11/26** (t.b.d.)// Henk Spruit// * **2014/11/19** {{:talks:sestasulinov14.pdf | Mass loss from hot stars}} // Uli Noebauer // * **2014/11/12** Stellar evolution beyond the standard picture (talk) // Ana Palacios // * **2014/11/05** (meeting cancalled after 15 minutes) // // * **2014/10/29** No meeting // // * **2014/10/22** No meeting // // * **2014/10/15** * **2014/10/08** An internal mechanism for the anti-glitch observed in AXP 1E 2259+586 (Talk) // Ignacio Ranea-Sandoval // * **2014/10/01** * **2014/09/24** No meeting // // * **2014/09/17** No meeting // // * **2014/09/10** * **2014/09/03** [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014arXiv1407.4421S | Global simulations of axisymmetric radiative black hole accretion disks in general relativity with a sub-grid magnetic dynamo]] [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.440L..41B | Dynamo action in thick discs around Kerr black holes: high-order resistive GRMHD simulations]] // Matteo // * **2014/08/27** //Zazralt// * **2014/08/20** {{:talks:tolstov_mpa_seminar.pdf | Supernova shock breakout}}// Alexey Tolstov // * **2014/08/13** No meeting // // * **2014/08/06** No meeting // // * **2014/07/30** No meeting // // * **2014/07/23** {{:talks:mia07.pdf | Asteroseismology of solar-like stars}} // Mia Lundkvist // * **2014/07/16** No meeting // // * **2014/07/09** No meeting // // * **2014/07/02** Super-Massive Stars as a Source of Abundance Anomalies of Proton-Capture Elements in Globular Clusters // Pavel A. Denissenkov // * **2014/06/25** Calibrating the TP-AGB phase: a key to galaxy evolution. (Talk) // Paola Marigo // * **2014/06/18** Report from conference // Maxime // * **2014/06/11** // // * **2014/06/4** // // * **2014/05/28** // // * **2014/05/21** The lithium problem// Maurizio Salaris // * **2014/05/14** // // * **2014/05/07** {{:talks:vinc.pdf |Ester: the difficult path to 2D stellar evolution}} //Vincent// * **2014/04/30** Introduction of new member //Yudai// * **2014/04/23** //(Shakespeare's 450th birthday - no meeting)// * **2014/04/16** Rotation in cores of low-mass giants: seismology and failing models // Andressa & Achim // * **2014/04/09** //(No meeting)// * **2014/04/02**{{:hgs_sestas_20140402.pdf|Practical Efficiency of Runge-Kutta methods}}// Hannes // * **2014/03/19** Discussion of the current meeting structure and informal discussion about code-licensing. // // * **2014/03/12**{{:weiss120314.pdf|SUMO: looking for multiple populations in globular clusters}}// Achim // * **2014/03/05** //(No meeting)// * **2014/02/26** //(No meeting)// * **2014/02/19** {{:talks:maxime.pdf| OVERSHOOTING IN 3D HYDRODYNAMICAL SIMULATIONS OF STELLAR INTERIORS, Part II}} //Maxime // * **2014/02/12** {{:talks:maxime.pdf|OVERSHOOTING IN 3D HYDRODYNAMICAL SIMULATIONS OF STELLAR INTERIORS}} //Maxime // * **2013/02/05** // // * **2014/01/29** // // * **2014/01/22** // // * **2014/01/15** [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.6339|Old puzzle, new insights: a lithium rich giant quietly burning helium in its core]] // Andressa // * **2014/01/08** // // ++++ ++++ 2013 | * **2013/12/18** // // * **2013/12/11** {{:talks:hannes111213.pdf|Curvilinear Grids}} // Hannes // * **2013/12/04** {{:talks:durand041213.pdf|Radiative Levitation}} // Durand // * **2013/11/27** {{:talks:weiss_271113.pdf|Convective Boundaries}} //Achim// * **2013/11/13** // --- // * **2013/11/06** Turbulent transport in stellar radiative zones // Vincent // * **2013/09/11** {{:talks:unoebauer-2013-09-11.pdf|Monte Carlo Radiation Hydrodynamics (cont'd): Application to Stellar Winds}} // Uli // * **2013/09/11** {{:talks:unoebauer-2013-09-11.pdf|Monte Carlo Radiation Hydrodynamics for Outflows in Stellar Environments}} // Uli // * **2013/09/04** {{:talks:kudritzki-20130904.pdf|The Temperatures of Red Supergiants}} // Rolf // * **2013/07/31-08/28** //(No meeting)// * **2013/07/24** //Andressa// * **2013/07/17** {{:talks:edelmann-2013-07-17.pdf|Numerics of SLH (Seven League Hydro)}} //Philipp// * **2013/07/10** //Maria// * **2013/07/03** // No meeting (Leiden Lorentz Center workshop)// * **2013/06/26** //Stan Woosley// * **2013/06/19** //Robo// * **2013/06/12** //Ashley// * **2013/06/05** No meeeting // // * **2013/05/29** {{:talks:sestas-bergemann.pdf|UsiGaia-ESO survey}} //Maria// * **2013/05/22** No meeting (Fachbeirat) // // * **2013/05/15** Fachbeirat visit // Weiss, Mueller// * **2013/05/08** {{:talks:20130508-seitenzahl.pdf|Using 55Mn and its radioactive parents to constrain Type Ia supernova explosion models}} // Ivo Seitenzahl (Univ. Wuerzburg)// * **2013/04/10** From shock-capturing to physical consistent LES: a new WENO scheme for simulating turbulent incompressible and compressible flows //F. Schranner & X.Y. Hu (TUM)// * **2013/03/27** {{:talks:sestas-ca.pdf|Convective Approximations}} //Ewald// * **2013/03/20** //Zazralt// * **2013/03/13** {{:talks:Weiss_130313.pdf|AGB colours}} //Achim// * **2013/03/06** //(Inauguration)// ++++ ===SESTAS VISITORS:=== ++++ Visitors 2021 | * Falk Herwig [Oct 5, 6, 2021] * Stephan Geier and group [Oct 18-22, 2021] * Johan Samsing, Bin Liu, Daniel D'Orazio, Alejandro Vigna-Gómez [Nov 9-11, 2021] ++++ ++++ Visitors 2019 | * Benard Nsamba [Porto; 1.11.-30.11.] ++++ ++++ Visitors 2018 | * Jakob Mosumgaard: [Aarhus; 1.2.-30.6.] * Pavel Denissenkov: [Victoria; 1.6.-7.7.18] * Brian Chaboyer: [Dartmouth College; 22.10.-10.11.18] ++++ ++++ Visitors 2017 | * Giovanni Mirouh: [Trieste; September/October] * Lionel Siess: [Brussels; June/July] ++++