The raw data

Important News

09/10/05: A problem with the matching of the photometry for duplicate objects was discovered and has been rectified in the file linked to here. Note however that this also affects total SFRs and the alternative stellar masses.

Origin of data

We have used the redshifts from the Princeton reductions from for our analysis and the spectra from the FNAL flat files accessed through the DAS. The photometric data provided for reference below has been taken from the FNAL tsObj files provided per plate in spectro/2d_23.

General notice: Please note that our line fluxes where given, are all corrected for foreground (galactic) reddening using the O'Donnell, J.E., 1994, ApJ, 422, 158. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact us.

About error estimates [IMPORTANT!]

The most significant change as compared to the DR2 release is that the error estimation is done in a more correct way. This has lead to slightly smaller error estimates, but we believe they are formally more correct.

The formal errors are, however, underestimates of the true uncertainties and this should be taken into account in most work. To estimate the true uncertainties we have used the list of duplicates provided here and described here, to compare the empirical spread in value determinations with the random errors. These uncertainties will include both errors in the spectrophotometry etc which are not included in the spectro2d pipeline, but more importantly they also include continuum subtraction uncertainties which are otherwise very hard to quantify (note in particular the substantial adjustment of the Ha flux errors below).

Since this procedure cannot be carried out on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis, there is a certain amount of residual uncertainty here, but the following table of conversions seems to give very good fits to our emission line models and we have adopted these - in particular all the derived data have been calculated with the emission line flux errors adjusted according to the following table:

Emission line Scale uncertainty by
[O II]3727 2.199
[Ne III]3869 1.731
Hbeta 1.882
[O III]4363 1.306
[O III]4959 1.573
[O III]5007 1.566
[O I]6300 1.378
HeI 5876 1.501
Halpha 2.473
[N II]6584 2.039
[S II]6716 1.621
[S II]6731 1.621

That said, it is of course entirely up to the individual whether to adopt these scalings or not, but we would in general recommend it. The quantities in the following files are the quantities given by our pipeline so have not been scaled in any way.

The FITS tables with data

The files below are substantial so you might prefer direct access to the datafiles through this link.