FILE: agn.cat_dr2 ------ the subset of the emission line galaxies in the newmasses.dat_dr2 file that are classified as AGN as described in Kauffmann et al 2003, MNRAS, 346, 1055, "The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei" write(39,6)idpl,mjd,ifib, ra, dec, zz, + o3lum,o3corr, bpt1,bpt2, rml50, rmu, + con, d4n,hda, vdisp 6 format(3i6,18f11.5) idpl, mjd, ifib: plate ID, MJD, fiber ID ra,dec: RA, DEC zz: redshift o3lum: logarithm of [OIII] luminosity in solar units o3corr: logarithm of extinction corrected [OIII] luminosity in solar units bpt1: log [OIII]/Hbeta bpt2: log [NII]/Halpha rml50: log (stellar mass) (as given above) rmu: log stellar surface mass density con: concentration index R90/R50 d4n and HdA: as given above vdisp: stellar velocity dispersion measured within 3 arcsec fiber aperture