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This page contains a link to the tables referenced in "The ages and metallicities of galaxies in the local universe" by Gallazzi et al (2005). The table contain the full set of objects, 261054, and is matched to the star formation and gas-phase metallcity tables provided on this site. Please see the paper for details about the determination of these quantities and any caveats that should be kept in mind when using these data.
This table contains the estimates of stellar metallicities with the columns having the following meaning:
Fortran format: format(1x,i5,1x,i8,1x,i5,6(1x,f10.4)) column 1: plate ID column 2: MJD column 3: fiber ID column 4: 2.5 percentile of likelihood distribution of stellar metallicity column 5: 16 percentile column 6: median of likelihood distribution of stellar metallicity (log Z) column 7: 84 percentile column 8: 97.5 percentile column 9: mode of the distribution
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This table contains the estimates of r-band weighted ages with the same format and the same meaning of the columns as for the stellar metallicity catalogue. The units are log yr.
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This table contains the estimates of the stellar mass in units of log solar mass from the model fits. The columns have the same meaning as for the stellar metallicity catalogue.
Download the catalogue here