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This catalogue contains a table of derived parameters defined in Kauffmann et al 2003, MNRAS, 341, 33 "Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories for 10^5 galaxies from the SDSS" for a subset of 211894 DR2 galaxies with 14.5 < r < 17.7 and reasonable errors in the spectral indices D_n(4000) and Hdelta_A. If you want to use the stellar masses, please use the median dust-corrected MASS (rml50) in these files. If you want to use any of the other parameters, I would advise you to read the above methods paper carefully and if in doubt, email
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and the accompanying text description here
What | Units | |
Column 1 | Plate ID | |
Column 2 | Mean Julian Date | |
Column 3 | Fiber ID | |
Column 4 | k-corrected z-band absolute magnitude (k-corrections to z=0.1 assuming standard cosmology) see this for more on the k-corrections | AB magnitudes at z=0.1 |
Column 5 | Redshift | |
Column 6 | D_n4000 (corrected for [Ne III] contamination) | |
Column 7 | Hdelta_A, emission corrected | Ångström |
Column 8 | Log Min chisq stellar mass without dust correction | Solar masses |
Column 9 | Log dust-corrected stellar mass (median of probability distribution) | Solar masses |
Column 10 | Log dust-corrected mass (lower 2.5 percentile of probability distribution) | Solar masses |
Column 11 | as above, 16th percentile of prob distr. | Solar masses |
Column 12 | as above, 84th percentile of prob distr. | |
Column 13 | as above, 97.5th percentile of prob distr. | |
Column 14, 15, 16 | Median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the z-band log(M/L) (dust-corrected) | |
Column 17, 18, 19 | Median, 16 and 84 percentiles estimates of the z-band extinction | Magnitudes |
Column 20, 21, 22 | Median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles estimates of F_burst - the fraction of the stellar mass formed in a burst in the past 2 Gyr. |
The following Fortran statement was used to write the file
write(39,6)idpl, mjd, ifib, + rz,zz, d4n, hda, + best,rml50,rml025,rml16, + rml84,rml975,rmz50,rmz025,rmz975,d50,d16,d84, + f50,f025,f975 6 format(1x, 3i6,22(f9.4))
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