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Emission Line Catalogue

18/11/04 - IMPORTANT: The fluxes in previous versions of the catalogue were low by a factor (1+z). Please download the new catalogue.
03/11/04 - [O I]6300 has been added to the catalogue
18/10/04 - The equivalent widths were missing and have been included
13/09/04 - [S II]6731 has been added to the emission line catalogue
10/10/05 - [O III]4363,4959 have been added to the emission line catalogue


This catalogue contains a table of measured emission line fluxes used in our work (see Tremonti et al (2004) for details on our pipeline). We have measured all spectroscopic targets in the SDSS DR2 whose SPECTROTYPE is GALAXY. The resulting catalogue contains 261054 objects. Notice that this number includes duplicate observations!

General notice: Please note that our line fluxes are corrected for foreground (galactic) reddening using the O'Donnell, J.E., 1994, ApJ, 422, 158. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact us.

Download the catalogue here as a binary FITS table.

Column description

Column name What
MJD Mean Julian Date
Z Redshift
OII_3727_FLUX Flux in the [O II]3727 doublet
OII_3727_FLUX_ERR Error on the above flux
H_BETA_FLUX & H_BETA_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the Hbeta line
OIII_5007_FLUX & OIII_5007_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [O III]5007 line
H_ALPHA_FLUX & H_ALPHA_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the Halphaline
NII_6584_FLUX & NII_6584_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [N II]6584 line
SII_6717_FLUX & SII_6717_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [S II]6717 line
SIII_6731_FLUX & SIII_6731_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [S II]6731 line
OI_6300_FLUX & OI_6300_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [O I]6300 line
OI_4959_FLUX & OI_4959_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [O III]4959 line
OI_4363_FLUX & OI_4363_FLUX_ERR Flux and associated error for the [O III]4363 line
H_ALPHA_EQW & H_ALPHA_EQW_ERR Equivalent width of the Halpha line its associated error
<XXX>_EQW & <XXX>_EQW_ERR Equivalent width of line XXX and its error where XXX is H_BETA, OIII_5007, OII_3726 (despite the name this is the equivalent width for the 3727 doublet), NII_6584, SII_6717, SII_6731, OI_6300

All the fluxes are given in the units of 10^(-17) erg/s/cm^2 and the equivalent widths in Ångström with emission lines having negative equivalent widths.

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