Note: The MPA catalogue site is a mirror of the OU catalogue site . Any updates and changes are likely to appear on the OU site first, and will propagate to the MPA site typically within 1 week.
1 Dec 2016 Release of the final edition, RKcat 7.24, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2015.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.23 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
26 Nov 2015 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.23, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2015.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.22 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
26 Sept 2014 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.22, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2014.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.21 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
31 March 2014 Link to 2013 conference paper on RKcat added to main page.
20 March 2014 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.21, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2013.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.21 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
7 Jan 2014 Declination of J1222-3115 corrected in cbcat. Correct declination is -31 15 23 (from USNO-A2.0/USNO-B1.0). Thanks to John Thorstensen for spotting this.
25 Oct 2013 Some typos corrected. CV table: J1616-4958 (dec is -49, not -40). One spurious entry (J1627-1231) removed. CV table now lists 1093 CVs. J1433+1011 (spurious string in 3rd period field removed). PCB table: J1212-0123 (primary mass error is 0.002). References: Motch, C., et al. (13 authors) 2010, A&A 523, 92 (not A&A 541, A152). Anderson, J., Cool, A.M., King, I.R. 2003, ApJ 597, L137 (not L113). We are grateful to Francois Ochsenbein, Tom Marsh and John Thorstensen for pointing these out.
5 July 2013 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.20, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2013.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.19 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
15 March 2013 Typos corrected. In cbcat: J2311+2040 has Mag 1 20.5g, not 20.65. In lmxbcat: J1753-0127 has type XT, not SX.
28 February 2013 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.19, with
literature taken into account up to 31 December 2012.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.18 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
26 September 2012 Typos in author names corrected in cbrefs (J0506+3547: Satovkiy, B should be Satovskiy, B.; J0659+2525: Korotliy should be Korotkiy; J1730+0338: Satvskiy, R.L. should be Satovskiy, B.L.; V2468 Cyg: Chchol should be Chochol). Thanks to Denis Denisenko for pointing these out.
29 August 2012 Typose corrected: in cbcat, declination of J1442-2250 and J1626-1255 (thanks to Francois Ochsenbein for pointing this out); in pcbcat, declination of J0651+2844; in whoswho, alias for entry V1047 Aql is S 8191 Aql (Aql, not And); and the entry for S 8191 Aql was incorrectly listed as S 8198 Aql.
4 July 2012 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.18, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2012.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.17 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
21 June 2012 Some typos in references corrected (2010PASJ...62..965D: Dai, Z., Qian, S.; 2010MNRAS.409.1470O: Ostensen, R.H., et al. (28 authors); 2010ApJ...717L.149M: Markwardt, C.B., Strohmayer, T.E.; 2009ApJ...696..870D: Drake, A.J., et al. (13 authors); 2010ApJ...715...51V: van Kerkwijk, M.H., et al. (6 authors)), thanks to Francois Ochsenbein. Also, declination of J0038+7921 corrected (was +70).
26 May 2012 Tomohito Ohshima (VSNET, Kyoto University) kindly provided an update on DR UMa which is classified here as an SU UMa type dwarf nova, following a VSNET publcation. However, DR UMa is a radio source and does not appear to be a dwarf nova. We will remove DR UMa from our catalogue in the next edition.
27 April 2012 Reference files for CVs and LMXBs replaced with the correct versions. Thanks to everyone who pointed out this glaring problem!
23 April 2012 Typos in coordinates of several objects corrected: NY Her (dec), SDSS162936.53+263519.6 (dec), SDSS2048+0050 (dec), SDSS2258-0949 (dec), V400 Per (RA), V589 Her (dec), V587 Lyr (RA). We thank John Thorstensen for pointing these out.
20 April 2012 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.17, with
literature taken into account up to 31 December 2012.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.16 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
29 Sept 2011 Typos corrected in cbcat (mag1 for J1329-3658 is blue), pcbcat (added decimal point in radius for J1938+4603), lmxbrefs (page number of Litvinchova et al 2011). We thank Francois Ochsenbein for pointing this out.
8 Sept 2011 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.16, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2011.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.15 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
30 May 2011 Erroneous EB flag for J0233+0050 removed in cbcat (thanks to Tom Marsh for pointing this out). Also, spectral type entries for J1924+4459 and VW Hyi moved to correct column.
9 Feb 2011 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.15, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2010.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.14 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
26 July 2010 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.14, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2010.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.13 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
22 March 2010 Corrected typos in cbcat (declination of M31 2006-04a is +41 16 59) and finder (page number of reference for NGC 6337, Garcia-Diaz et al. is 1633).
8 February 2010 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.13, with
literature taken into account up to 31 December 2009.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.12 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
14 September 2009 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.12, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2009.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.11 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
30 April 2009 Corrected typos (see bold entries below) in several references:
Callanan, P.J., et al. (9 authors) 2002, ApJ 574, L143
Kilkenny, D., O'Donoghue, ... 1997, MNRAS 287, 867 (Spectr1, Spectr2)
Shears, J., Boyd, D., Poyner, G. 2006, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 116, 244
Wood, M.A., et al. (22 authors) 2005, ApJ 634, 570
Stark, M.A., et al. (7 authors) 2008, AJ 135, 991
Littlefair, S.P., et al. (6 authors) 2006, Science 314, 1578
Rau, A., et al. (9 authors) 2007, ApJ 664, 454474
Woudt, P.A., Warner, B., Spark, M. 2005, MNRAS 364, 107
23 March 2009 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.11, with
literature taken into account up to 31 December 2008.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.10 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
11 July 2008 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.10, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2008.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.9 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
25 March 2008 Correction of format inconsistencies and some typos in cbcat, lmxbcat, cbrefs, lmxbrefs, finder and the catalogue description. Thanks to Francois Ochsenbein (CDS) for pointing these out, and thanks to Tom Marsh for pointing out the misclassification of J1552+3201 (should be AC).
14 February 2008 Correction of formatting error in cbrefs, lmxbrefs, pcbrefs and finder.
11 February 2008 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.9, with
literature taken into account up to 31 December 2007.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.8 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
10 July 2007 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.8, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2007.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.7 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
5 Dec 2006 Typo in dec of KV UMA (lmxbcat) corrected (thanks to Miriam Krauss for pointing this out).
22 Nov 2006 Introduction slightly modified.
9 Nov 2006 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.7, with
literature taken into account up to 30 Sept 2006.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.6 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
7 Sept 2006 List of recent new variable names with corresponding alias names (two pdf files) under the "Who is Who" heading added.
17 May 2006 Corrected entries in cbcat (KL Dra: P = 0.017382, M1 = 0.76; V803 Cen: P = 0.018657), cbrefs (V803 Cen: new references for period), and pcbrefs (0040-4429, IQ Cam, 1432+1553 , 2345+3148: removed DD label under type); thanks to Carole Haswell and Tom Marsh for pointing out these inconsistencies.
2 Feb 2006 Links page updated. Corrected typos in cbcat (EY Cyg: M1 = 1.26, M2 = 0.59); thanks to Patrick Godon for pointing this out.
30 Jan 2006 Minor corrections: cbcat and related files (DN Lyn removed; BW Scl: type DN, WZ?; 233+3905: type DN, WZ?, SH?, ZZ?; CC Cnc: type SU; UZ Boo: orbital period); pcbcat (0320-1917: Spectr1 DA, not sdB); thanks to Boris Gaensicke and Tom Marsh for pointing out errors
18 Jan 2006 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.6, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2005.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.5 are still available
in the
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
16 August 2005 cbcat: typo in period of J1427-0123 corrected (correct period is P = 0.02539 d); cbrefs: reference for EX Dra corrected [Harrison et al. 2005]; pcbrefs: typo in author name (Morales-Rueda) corrected.
21 July 2005 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.5, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2005. This release
contains a much updated and corrected
cross refererence (who's who)
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.4 are still available
the archive.
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
31 March 2005 Reference for finder of V1208 Tau corrected [Motch, C., et al. (6 authors) 1996, A&A 307, 459].
9 Feb 2005 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.4, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2004.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.3 are still available
the archive.
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
31 July 2004 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.3, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2004.
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 - 7.2 are still available
the archive.
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
12 March 2004 finder, 1323-6152: Parmar et al reference corrected; finder, BG CMI: Mc Hardy et al reference corrected (thanks to Francois Ochsenbein for pointing this out); CDS has now RKcat 7.2
3 March 2004 cbcat, J2316-0527: orbital period reference corrected
10 Feb 2004 Release of new edition, RKcat 7.2, with
literature taken into account up to 31 Dec 2003. Slightly amended
The main data files of editions RKcat 7.0 and 7.1 are still available in
the archive.
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
9 September 2003 Total number of CVs is 499, not 501. Several typos corrected (in lmxbcat: added J to J1806-2924; in cbrefs: U Sco: Matsumoto et al 2003, not 2002; Tappert et al 2003 is Vol 401, not 410; DI Lac: Moyer et al is in AJ, not ApJ). Thanks to the Francois Ochesnbein & the CDS for pointing this out.
16 July 2003 Minor reorganisation of the archive. We now provide data tables as well as reference files of previous versions.
14 July 2003 Release of major new edition, RKcat 7.1, with
literature taken into account up to 30 June 2003.
We thank Francois Ochsenbein for pointing out several errors in the
tables of RKcat7.0; these have been corrected in RKcat7.1.
The main data files of edition RKcat 7.0 are still available in
the archive.
The postscript files are still those of edition RKcat7.0.
30 May 2003 Full reference to published catalogue is Ritter H., Kolb U., 2003, A&A 404, 301
10 April 2003 cbcat, lmxbcat, pcbcat: added decimal point to EC, Incl, M1/M2, M1, R1, M2, R2 and corresponding errors to comply with format to be used by CDS
10 April 2003 lmxbcat, J1744-2844: correction of format in 2. object type
6 March 2003 Tiny amendments applied to paper that will appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
30 Jan 2003 Paper accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
24 Jan 2003 Links to VSNET and CBA added to Related links.
23 Jan 2003 Local links corrected (previous version didn't work properly in various browsers); thanks to Robert Greimel for pointing this out)
23 Jan 2003 Table headings added to online version; various typos corrected (thanks to Bart Willems for pointing this out)
21 Jan 2003 Catalogue submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Please note that the 7th edition of the CV/LMXB/rel. obj. catalogue supersedes the 6the edition (Ritter & Kolb 1998, A&AS, 129, 83). For reference, the main data tables of the latter will still be available online for the forseeable future.