The library you can download here is fully described in Coelho et al. (2005) (A&A, 443, 735; astro-ph/0505511). It consists of a synthetic stellar library computed in steps of 0.02 Angstroms, from the near-ultraviolet (300nm) to the near-infrared (1.8micron).
The grid covers the following parameters:
The library is presented in both normalized and flux calibrated formats, and each stellar spectrum is stored in a FITS file consisting of two apertures (multispec IRAF format), where aperture number 1 is the normalized spectrum and aperture number 2 is the flux-calibrated spectrum.
The name of the file indicates the atmospheric parameters of the stellar spectrum (decimal points in gravity and abundances are omitted):
<Teff>_<log g>_<[Fe/H]><[alpha/Fe]>.ms.fits
The files are divided in three directories:
Feel free to contact me: pcoelho [at]
P. Coelho