High-resolution versions of Figures 1 and 3

The geometry of all the slices projected in following files are similar: the region excised from both LCDM (left panel) and tCDM (right panel) is 30 Mpc/h thick (SGZ in [-15,+15] Mpc/h), and expands on both sides of the supergalactic plane. The width of the slice is 180 Mpc/h. The projection is done along SGZ. Note the central circular region of high-resolution, and the low-resolution around it (easily noticeable in the corners of the picture).

Size Dark matter without clusters (specific greyscale) Dark matter with clusters (Figure 1) Galaxies (Figure 3)
256 pixels per slice DMDist256.gif (129 kB) DMDistClus256.gif (144 kB) GalsDist256.gif (126 kB)
512 pixels per slice DMDist512.gif (479 kB) DMDistClus512.gif (542 kB) GalsDist512.gif (442 kB)
1024 pixels per slice DMDist1024.gif (1.1 MB) DMDistClus1024.gif (713 kB) GalsDist1024.gif (785 kB)

NB : the sizes given refer to the gzipped files.

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Last modified: Nov 6, 2001. For Questions / Comments / Remarks : hmathis@mpa-garching.mpg.de