High-resolution versions of Figures 1 and 3 |
The geometry of all the slices projected in following files are
similar: the region excised from both LCDM (left panel) and tCDM (right
panel) is 30 Mpc/h thick (SGZ in [-15,+15] Mpc/h), and expands on both
sides of the supergalactic plane. The width of the slice is 180
Mpc/h. The projection is done along SGZ. Note the central circular
region of high-resolution, and the low-resolution around it (easily
noticeable in the corners of the picture).
Size | Dark matter without clusters (specific greyscale) | Dark matter with clusters (Figure 1) | Galaxies (Figure 3) |
256 pixels per slice | DMDist256.gif (129 kB) | DMDistClus256.gif (144 kB) | GalsDist256.gif (126 kB) |
512 pixels per slice | DMDist512.gif (479 kB) | DMDistClus512.gif (542 kB) | GalsDist512.gif (442 kB) |
1024 pixels per slice | DMDist1024.gif (1.1 MB) | DMDistClus1024.gif (713 kB) | GalsDist1024.gif (785 kB) |
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Last modified: Nov 6, 2001. For Questions / Comments / Remarks : hmathis@mpa-garching.mpg.de