In the centre of the Sun nuclear reactions are taking place, which are
providing the energy the Sun has been emitting from its surface during the
last 4.5 billion years. In these reactions electron neutrinos are created
as well, which leave the Sun unimpeded and which are detected and counted
in terrestrial experiments. All four
detectors (presently being in operation
receive only about 50% of the neutrino flux predicted by theoretical solar
models. To explain this deficit one uses particle physics theories which
predict the conversion of these electron neutrinos into the two other known
"flavours" while they are on their way from the solar core into the detectors.
These other flavours are neither produced in nuclear reactions nor can be
detected by the present detectors; they are therefore lost and lead to the
deficit. The conversion from flavour "1" into "2" (or "3") is determined by
two quantities called
the values of which are as yet
unknown. By
computing a solar model, the number and energy spectrum of the electron
neutrinos being emitted, the conversion into the two other neutrino flavours
and finally by simulating the measurements of the incoming remaining electron
neutrinos we are trying to determine the values for
these four parameters, for
which all three counting experiments can be explained simultaneously. In
addition we try to reproduce the neutrino
energy spectrum recently determined by
Super-Kamiokande. Without this latter information the counting results can also
be explained by a conversion into only one
other flavour. From our results
about the neutrino conversions elementary particle physicists gain additional
insight into the structure of the smallest building blocks of matter.
Figure 1 shows predicted count rates for Solar neutrinos in the three experiments,
GALLEX/SAGE, Homestake,
(coloured bars)
in comparison with the actual number of counts
detected (gray histograms). The hashed areas reflect the theoretical
resp. experimental uncertainties in the rates. Since the neutrinos are
created with
different energies in the
various nuclear reaction rates and the experiments have different energy
sensitivities, the mixture of neutrinos from the various reaction sources
(colour-coded in Fig.1) varies from experiment to experiment as seen in the theoretical prediction. For
example, Super-Kamiokande
can measure almost exclusively
the most energetic
neutrinos, while Gallium-experiments (GALLEX & SAGE) can see a
mixture of all sources. The
ratios of observed-to-predicted counts differ between the four experiments
(although always being of order 50%); from this one can already deduce that the
mechanism leading to the deficit is energy-dependent.
The conversion of electron-neutrinos into the two other
flavours 2 and 3 is determined by 4 quantities of unknown values. The
above figure 2
shows those regions in the 3-dimensional subspace (the parameter
been omitted to allow a graphic representation), for which our model reproduces
approximately the number of measured neutrinos in all three types of
(Figure 1) by simulating the
number of neutrinos created in the solar fusion reactions and the subsequent
conversion into non-detectable flavours. Also reproduced is the neutrino energy spectrum
(as measured by Super-Kamiokande). Regions of solutions are contained
between the reddish surfaces. In case one of these regions runs parallel to an
axis (e.g. the tube at
) this means that the conversion properties
into the third flavour are unimportant. However, such
solutions are not very
accurately reproducing all experimental results
(see Figures 3 and
To account for only the number of measured neutrinos (Figure 1) the conversion
into only one other flavour is sufficient (see Figure 3). In this case,
Figure 2 reduces to a
plane in which the solutions are shown by coloured
islands. The best solutions
are marked by triangles.
This figure shows how different solutions of the neutrino counts (Figure 1)
agree with the measured neutrino energy spectrum shown as symbols with error
bars (actually, the energy spectrum of electrons is measured in
Super-Kamiokande, which interact with the incoming neutrinos, on whose
energies their own spectrum therefore depends).
The solutions of Figure 3 cannot
reproduce the increase at highest energies; for this, the additional
conversion into the third flavour (see the SVAC solution) is
H. Schlattl, A. Weiss
Further reading:
Where are the solar neutrinos?, H. Schlattl, Annual Report of
the MPA, 1998, pp.7-9 (ps,
Neutrino-Physik mit Hilfe der Sonne, A. Weiss,
MPG-Jahrbuch 1999 (ps)
A solar model with improved subatmospheric stratification,
H. Schlattl, A. Weiss & H.G. Ludwig A&A 322 (1997), p.646
Signatures of the efficiency of solar nuclear reactions in the
neutrino experiments, H. Schlattl, A. Bonnano & L. Paterno,
Phys.Rev.D, submitted (1999), Preprint astro-ph/9902354
Last modified: Fri Feb 11 18:11:29 MET 2000
by Markus Rampp
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