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The Aim of This Workshop

We are entering new era of the cosmic microwave background research. Rapid progress in large-scale instrumentation will make it possible to achieve unprecedented sensitivity in microwave band measurements over a large fraction of the sky. There exist great opportunities worldwide: CMB S4 for the ground-based efforts, and LiteBIRD for space, to mention two examples.

Germany can play a major role in this endeavour. For the ground-based, U. Bonn and U. Köln are co-leading the “CCAT-p” project with Cornell. This telescope could be adopted as part of CMB S4, so the experience with CCAT-p can greatly influence S4. There is also on-going discussion among European countires to push ground-based efforts. 

As for space, LiteBIRD is a JAXA-led mission, and the LiteBIRD collaboration is welcoming European participation. The European LiteBIRD consortium is being formed. ESA is also interested in providing funds via a “Mission of Opportunity,” and there is an active discussion between JAXA and ESA.

This workshop brings together scientists at German institutions that are potentially interested in contributing to this endevour. We plan to discuss the current activities of various groups and a possible path forward for a concerted effort on the CMB research in Germany.

discussion summary

Dates and Venue

  • Dates: January 31 and February 1, 2018
  • Venue: MPA New Seminar Room
    • When you enter the main entrance of MPA, go to the left, go downstairs, and you find the room
  • To fill out a registration form, click here

Invited Speakers

  • John Carlstrom (U. Chicago)
  • Jens Chluba (U. Manchester)
  • Rashid Sunyaev (MPA)
  • Nicola Vittorio (U. Rome Tor Vergata)

Scientific Organization Committee (SOC)

  • Frank Bertoldi (U. Bonn)
  • Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA)
  • Joe Mohr (LMU/MPE)