In the hdf5 files you find the estimate of the Stokes V parameter for the Milky Way, stored in HEALPix format.
Each file contains one dataset, which in turn has several explanatory attributes.
Some of these are straight forward to understand and just there to avoid confusion,
others describe the model and are defined in the paper.
unit: Units of the map
nside: resolution parameter of the map
HEALpix ordering: ordering scheme of the healpix array
βth : model parameter, describes the scaling of the galactic magnetic field with the thermal electron distribution.
βrel : model parameter, describes the scaling of the galactic magnetic field with the relativistic electron distribution.
In the paper we calculated the CP sky for the cases (βth, βrel) = (0,1) and (βth, βrel) = (1,0). From the following table you can download the
datafiles for the total CP intensity and the CP ratio for both cases along with the corresponding plots in pdf format.
Note that we view the (βth, βrel) = (0,1) case as the more realistic scenario for reasons given in the paper. The complmentary case was only calculated to get an estimate for the stability of our method.
Description | Data File | Plot |
CP intensity for (βth, βrel) = (0,1) | V_01.hdf5 | V_01.pdf |
CP ratio for (βth, βrel) = (0,1) | VI_ratio_01.hdf5 | V_01_ratio.pdf |
CP intensity for (βth, βrel) = (1,0) | V_10.hdf5 | V_10.pdf |
CP ratio for (βth, βrel) = (1,0) | VI_ratio_10.hdf5 | V_10_ratio.pdf |
Page last updated on 2017-08-03.