Single-Sersic fits to EDisCS HST images

In this page, we show the complete set of single-Sersic fits made (by Carlos Hoyos) to the emission-line galaxies treated in Jaffe et al. (2011, submitted to MNRAS). For the 125 emission-line galaxies with HST observations in the luminosity limited sample C (MB >-20 and redshift between 0.36 and 0.76; cf. Jaffe et al. 2011), we fitted a smooth single-Sersic index model. We used the GALFIT code, described in Peng et al. (2002). The set-up with which GALFIT runs, named GALPHYT (and developed in python by Carlos Hoyos), is described in detail in Hoyos, C. Aragon-Salamanca, A. Gray, M. et al. (2011, submitted to MNRAS). Residual images were created by subtracting the model from the galaxy's HST image. These residuals highlight the presence of morphological distortions and contain valuable information about the interaction state.

In Jaffe et al. (2011) we only showed 4 examples. In the images below, we present the complete set of fits. The first column presents the HST cutout of the galaxies, the second column shows the best-fit model made to that image, and the third column exhibits the residual image between the model and the data. Galaxy names, M_V and effective radius are listed at the top of each galaxy.

The galaxy fits are separated into 2 groups: (I) contains the galaxies for which we obtained "featurless" residuals from the smooth single-Sersic model fits, and were thus categorized as "morphologically undisturbed"; (II) consists of galaxies with distinct/strong residuals from their smooth single-Sersic model fits, i.e. morphologically disturbed. We note that residuals showing spiral arm or other known galaxy structures were still considered as undisturbed.

I. Undisturbed morphology:

II. Bad fits or disturbed morphology: