Rotation curve fits to EDisCS emission-line galaxies

In this page, we show the complete set of (2D) emission-line fits made to all EDisCS emission-line galaxies. This fits, described and discussed in Jaffe et al. (2011), were made with the purpose of studying the effect of environment on gas kinematics, and in particular, the Tully-Fisher relation. The fits were made using ELFIT2PY, a code developed by Steven Bamford (see Bamford et al. 2005 for details).

In the following composed figures, the first row shows the extracted emission line from the 2D spectrum (postage stamp), the second row shows the best-fit model to that line, while the third row contains the residuals of the previous two. At the bottom of each figure some information about the fit is further displayed. Among this information, there is a spectroscopic ID, that indicates the field name, mask and slit number, as well as the wavelength of the emission line (in AA). Additional information such as the galaxy redshift, inclination, rotation velocity (in km/s, not corrected for inclination), extent of the line (rext), turnover radius (rt), the elbow of the rotation curve (sometimes refered to as a), scale length, etc is also provided. All the lengths are in units of arcseconds and the numbers inside the parenthesis are confidence intervals from ELFIT2PY. Please do not use the values of velocity dispersion since they were only a failed attempt.

Each row contains the fit(s) made to an idividual galaxy. Note that many galaxies had more than one emission line present and hence multiple fits are shown. Also note that wilst some galaxies show a clear rotation curve in their emission, others present rather disturbed emission.

For more information on this data please contact Yara Jaffe [ yara.jaffe (at) gmail (dot) com ]