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Stellar Mass Catalogue


This catalogue contains a table of derived parameters defined in Kauffmann et al 2003, MNRAS, 341, 33 "Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories for 10^5 galaxies from the SDSS" for a subset of 211894 DR2 galaxies with 14.5 < r < 17.7 and reasonable errors in the spectral indices D_n(4000) and Hdelta_A. If you want to use the stellar masses, please use the median dust-corrected MASS (rml50) in these files. If you want to use any of the other parameters, I would advise you to read the above methods paper carefully and if in doubt, email

Download the catalogue here
and the accompanying text description here

Column description

What Units
Column 1 Plate ID
Column 2 Mean Julian Date
Column 3 Fiber ID
Column 4 k-corrected z-band absolute magnitude (k-corrections to z=0.1 assuming standard cosmology) see this for more on the k-corrections AB magnitudes at z=0.1
Column 5 Redshift
Column 6 D_n4000 (corrected for [Ne III] contamination)
Column 7 Hdelta_A, emission corrected Ångström
Column 8 Log Min chisq stellar mass without dust correction Solar masses
Column 9 Log dust-corrected stellar mass (median of probability distribution) Solar masses
Column 10 Log dust-corrected mass (lower 2.5 percentile of probability distribution) Solar masses
Column 11 as above, 16th percentile of prob distr. Solar masses
Column 12 as above, 84th percentile of prob distr.
Column 13 as above, 97.5th percentile of prob distr.
Column 14, 15, 16 Median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the z-band log(M/L) (dust-corrected)
Column 17, 18, 19 Median, 16 and 84 percentiles estimates of the z-band extinction Magnitudes
Column 20, 21, 22 Median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles estimates of F_burst - the fraction of the stellar mass formed in a burst in the past 2 Gyr.

Fortran format

The following Fortran statement was used to write the file

          write(39,6)idpl, mjd, ifib,
     +      rz,zz, d4n, hda,
     +      best,rml50,rml025,rml16,
     +      rml84,rml975,rmz50,rmz025,rmz975,d50,d16,d84,
     +      f50,f025,f975
 6        format(1x, 3i6,22(f9.4))
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